Категория:Игра Викимания
Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
<xyrenderedwith> Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software, 2025-02-12 03:10:13.
- Name of Project
- The WikiMania Game
- Participants
- Students of junior school
- Aim of the project
- The study of history and geography of his native country. Formation of information and social competence
- Discussion of the project
- Students from different regions of Russia, comparing their regions and find the differences and similar features. The object of study: geography, local history, history. It was created 70 articles and shows a very high activity in the collaborative editing process. Each article in this project was a collective one.
- Difficulties
- Egocentrism. Beginners starting to write an article, constantly referring to his personal experience: my town, my village, my school.
- Components of success
The use of small fragments of finished building blocks of knowledge, to build large-scale works. An illustrative example is found on http://letopisi.ru/index.php/Lenin,_street_(Russia) in which participants collect a shared Lenin Street, which runs through many cities of Russia.
Эта категория содержит 3 подкатегории из 3 всего.
Страницы в категории «Игра Викимания»
Эта категория содержит следующие 67 страниц из 67.
Файлы в категории «Игра Викимания»
Следующие 22 файла из 22 имеющихся принадлежат к этой категории.
- БолмосовВН Бал.jpg
- Вахрушев Бал.jpg