Обсуждение:Образовательные политики и практики

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Близкие концепты

  • Педагогические паттерны - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogical_patterns - но, у нас тут явно не паттерны, а именно практики
  • Мой образовательный запрос Участники конкурса публикуют краткое описание педагогической практики - уже существующей или воображаемой - которая, по мнению участника, нуждается в поддержке со стороны разработчиков программного обеспечения. Каждый участник может предложить, обсудить и\или аргументированно оценить (поддержать, либо отклонить) педпрактику, предложенную другим участником.


  • Патаракин Е.Д. Организация продуктивной деятельности в сетевых сообществах практики // Вестник Ярославского регионального отделения РАЕН. ISSN 1994-8271, 2014, том 8, №1, с. 91-98.
  • Temptations of E-governance and E-learning - Politics
    • E-learning is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. ICT has huge changes in the social and cultural environment. Social and cultural changes are reflected in the national and international educational standards , and these standards direct teaching and learning. Greater attention was paid to the joint network activities in the UNESCO Recommendation «Structure ICT Competency Framework for Teachers», where «knowledge production» is identified as the most modern and forward-looking approach [2]. The task, resolved in the framework of the «knowledge production» approach is education of pupils , citizens and workers who are able to produce new practically useful knowledge , to participate in the innovation process and to learn throughout life. Teachers who use this approach must be able to develop and provide training to achieve these strategic objectives, as well as to participate actively in the development of appropriate programs for the development of their schools. In this approach, training programs require not only a fundamental mastery of content subjects, but also the formation of students' skills incorporated in a knowledge society, and which are necessary for the production of new knowledge. New economic models emphasize the importance of new knowledge, innovation, and the development of human capacity as the sources of sustainable economic growth. It is through education and human capacity development that individuals not only add value to the economy but contribute to the cultural legacy, participate in social discourse, improve the health of the family and community, conserve the natural environment, and increase their own agency and ability to continue to develop and contribute, creating a virtuous cycle of personal development and contribution [3]. The desired future of e-learning can be described as a situation where teachers and students are active agents that produce knowledge.
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