Reseach based on Special:Log/Constructionism

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Constructionism (Harel, Papert, & Group, 1991) new technological tools and activities that can help people develop new ways of thinking about self-organization (Kafai & Resnick, 1996) the use of computer networks to support students working together on design and construction activities, and it argues that these types of activities are particularly effective in supporting the development of knowledge-building communities (Resnick, 1996). on-line constructionism (Cannings & Stager, 2003)

Do we focus on using technology for perfecting the art of instruction (Instructionism) or rather for achieving active learning-by-doing in social contexts (Constructionism)? What makes for a more effective education -- regardless of whether it's being carried out in print, on TV, through PCs, online, or mobile apps on tablets and handheld devices -- an instructor teaching what he or she knows to large groups of pupils, or learners learning by working alone and in teams to solve a problem or create an object that simulates or explains a piece of knowledge? Of course, we know the answer: BOTH. Instructionism and Constructionism are two sides of a single cognitive equation. Both are needed if learners, especially young learners, are to obtain basic knowledge and take ownership of what they learn. Both are necessary to learn how to learn.
But, we also found that when the aim is to make children the designers and builders of their own learning -- and therefore the owners of the knowledge they achieve -- Constructionism is necessary.

The metaphor of building blocks from which every student collects its own intelligence structure has been used in constructivism and learning environments such as Logo and Lego-Logo. Numerous multi-users training worlds based on simple objects and simple actions that can do participants as well. All these powerful pedagogical ideas were pushed back by the first wave of Internet development. Now with the development of services Web2.0 they return and we see how powerful ideas and technologies of parallel action and the exchange of information are available for education.

Building blocks are now able to serve not only as blocks of text, but also blocks of the program and individual users. Users can share information, monitor the behaviour of each other, react to the actions of people and software agents. Study of user’s behaviour and building model is no longer restricted to individual computer. We can offer the product to other members of their community, and they will be able not only to see how the model works, but also understand how to put bricks model. They will be able to take these building blocks and bricks and build from them their own building.

As the technologies develops, in the area of building significant products gets new small pieces - digital training facilities suitable for reuse for educational purposes. This is a general game the building of new knowledge, which with the same interest can play and pupils, students, teachers and professors. So more opportunities for self-learning environment of building, construction of new facilities, as more it is interesting for users. Constructivism influenced the educational design and embodied in the follow educational environments: Logo and its derivatives NetLogo, StarLogo; Squeak and its derivatives Scratch, Sophie, Alice.

В середине 60-х годов XX века Пейперт впервые сформулировал отношение к компьютеру как к дружественному средству, которое ученик может контролировать, и при помощи которого он может мыслить, действовать и учиться новыми, более эффективными способами. В середине 60-х годов М. Минский, С. Пейперт и А. Кей совершили настоящий переворот в использовании компьютеров, показав, что ученик может контролировать деятельность компьютера и компьютерных агентов, выступать в роли дизайнера.

Развитие этого направление было связано с разработкой интерактивного компьютерного дизайна для детей и опиралось в первую очередь на традицию инструментального и исследовательского обучения, обоснованного в работах Дж. Дьюи и Дж. Брунера. В рамках этого направления, которое было обозначено С. Пейпертом как конструкционизм, компьютер выступает в качестве нового инструмента, помогающего ученикам исследовать, думать и осваивать новые, непривычные способы деятельности. В конце 60-х годов С. Пейперт и М. Минский разработали подход, в рамках которого использовался обучаемый ребенком компьютерный агент — Черепашка языка Лого специально предназначенных для того, чтобы поддерживать отношения между компьютером и ребенком.

Это была первая работа по внедрению в педагогическую практику принципиально новых агентов-партнеров, при помощи которых люди могли мыслить и учиться более продуктивно.

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