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A little about Perm

On a place of modern Perm in 17 century there was a village of Bryukhanovka which had on Yagoshikhe. Foundation of the modern city is connected with activity of the outstanding mining engineer, historian and geographer V. N. Tatishchev who developed the project in 1723 and I directed construction of Egoshikhinsky copper-smelting plant, having founded the factory settlement near Egoshikhi (or Yagoshikhi). The new city received the name Perm (from Finno-Ugric "a per ма" — "the far earth") and became provincial according to Catherine II's decree of November 20, 1780. At the beginning of 19 century Perm became important transport point. Salt which was extracted in the Perm province, in Usolye and Solikamsk was the most quick-selling Perm goods. Down the river transported to Chusova iron, copper, metal products of the Ural plants which went to the cities of the Central Russia. Long time was in Perm Mountain management of the Ural plants. In 1846 regular navigation across Kama was open that considerably recovered economic life of the city. In 1858 in the mouth of the small river Danilikhi the English citizen Gullet constructed mechanical plant where river tows were produced. In 1878 the Ural railroad which passed through Perm was constructed. In 1863 in the city I started working the Motovilikha gun Plant which became then one of the largest metalworking enterprises of the Urals. In 1875 the Perm tsar hammer was made. To the project of a huge 50-ton hammer developed by the metallurgist and the mechanic N. V. Vorontsov (1833-1893) the highest award at the World industrial Fair in Vienna in 1873 was awarded. In 19 century the city became the largest cultural center of the Urals. In days of the Great Patriotic War to Perm many large industrial enterprises from the European part of the USSR were evacuated. RIVER KAMA big and beautiful. Besides, in Perm very strange land relief — when approaching to the river it is necessary not to go down, and to rise uphill (before the river sharp break). By the way, residents of Perm are sure, what not Kama falls into Volga, and Volga to Kama, and already Kama — into the Caspian Sea. The most ridiculous that formally they are right as in a merge point Kama deeper than Volga, and Kama has big length, than Volga, but nobody will change historically developed names. The Kama Reservoir is called, sometimes, by the Kamsky sea. [[1]] Пермь

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