Famous people of Perm

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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With Perm associated the names of many writers, scientists, artists. The writer-storyteller P.P. Bazhov was the graduate of the Perm Theological Seminary. There are also studied the writers such as D.N. Mamin-Siberyak, and inventor of the radio A.S. Popov. The poet Vasily Kamensky has been lived and worked in Perm and in the village of Trinity for a long time. Propagandist of Russian's art and philanthropist S.P. Dyaghilev was a graduate of the Perm classical gymnasium. The following prominent cultural figures were living and working in Perm during the Great Patriotic War: the writer V. Kaverin (who worked there on his novel "Two Captains"), the artist B.V. Johanson, ballet dancer G.S. Ulanova, composer A.I. Khachaturian (he wrote the score of the ballet "Gayane " in Perm). The actor G.I. Burkov and filmmaker M. Schweitzer were also born In Perm. Perm was the inspiration city “Yuryatin» in Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago"


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