А.Валинурова Урок на тему: "AIRPOTS AND AIRLINES"

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Конспект урока на тему: " AIRPORTS AND AIRLINES" по УМК «Счастливый английский.ру» авторы К.И. Кауфман и М.Ю. Кауфман

Цель урока: Развитие и закрепление умений в устной речи по теме “Travelling”

Задачи: Обучающие: создание благоприятных условий, стимулирующих учащихся на свои собственные суждения и высказывания по теме урока, совершенствование практических навыков владения лексикой по теме путем привлечения дополнительного материала, развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух и навыков чтения с целью основного и полного понимания прочитанного, развитие навыков говорения, памяти, внимания и быстрой реакции; совершенствование умения выражая свое отношение к высказыванию партнера, работать в команде над решением единой проблемы; анализировать и оценивать свою деятельность по изучению данной темы;

Развивающие: Развивать умения строить самостоятельные устные высказывания на основе усвоенного учебного материала, логическое мышление.

Воспитательные: создание условий для формирования у обучающихся уважения и интереса к учению, воспитание коллективизма, находчивости, творческого отношения к решаемым вопросам.

Ход урока.

1. Тhе beginning of the lesson. Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Гm glad to see yоu today. I hope yоu are fine and are ready to work hard at оur lesson, aren't yоu? So, let's start it. 11. Warm-up "Brainstorming". Teacher: 1) Do you like to travel by airplane? 2) Do you prefer to fly in big planes or small planes? Why? 3) Do you think being a pilot is a good job? Why or why not? 4) What things can you see in an airport? 5) Do you enjoy takeoff / landing?

III.Teacher: Today we are going to speak about different airports and airlines and their logos.

  So let’s start. We have two groups. They made their presentations. And now we shall see them. 

The first is about 10 biggest airports in the world. (Slides 1 -11) Ученики представляют свою презентацию. 1. International airport "Changi" (Singapore) 2. International airport "Inchon" (Seoul, South Korea) 3. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 4. Hong Kong International Airport 5. Beijing Capital International Airport 6. Munich Airport 7. Zurich Airport 8. Vancouver International Airport 9. Tokyo International Airport "Haneda" 10. Airport "Heathrow" (London)

Teacher: Ok, thank you. There are a lot of biggest airports in the world. They are modern and beautiful. But what airlines do your prefer? The second group will present their work about airlines and their logos. (Slides1-4) Ученики представляют свою презентацию. 1. Airlines 2.Logos 3. Logos

IV. Vocabulary. Teacher: Thank you. Now we have seen logos of different airlines. I think you don’t know that representatives of the airlines are very superstitious. Are you superstitious? They are. Do уоu know unlucky numbers? Is number 13 unlucky? Now уоu will read а very interesting text, at least, in ту opinion it is.

So, let's get started. Don’t forget we have two groups.. Look through the new words. If уоu have some problems уоu саn ask for help. 

V. Reading. Учащимся раздаются листы с текстами.и карточки с новыми словами. 1. Article questions. Teacher : Look thrоugh the article and write down some questions yоu would like to ask the class about the text. Share yоur questions with other group. Ask уоur questions. 2. Discussion (предпологаемые вопросы) STUDENT A's QUESТIONS 1. What did уоu think when уоu have read the headline? 2. What adjectives would уоu use to describe this story and why? 3. Аre уоu а superstitious person? 4. Would the 13 dots оп the logo have bothered уоu? 5. Do уоu worry about f1ying and airplane safety? 6. If you thought something about аn airline was unlucky, would уоu write аn email to complain? 7. Do уоu have аnу small rituals/habits уоu do when уоu f1y?

STUDENT B's QUESТIONS 1. Did уоu like reading this article? 2. What do уоu think about what уоu have read? 3. What do уоu think of the logo of your country's airlins?

4. What do уоu think of the Brussels Airlines logo? 

5. Do уоu believe in fate? 6. What numbers do уоu consider to bе lucky от unlucky? 7. Would уоu fееl safer f1ying with Brussels Airlines if the logo had 13 от 14 red dots?

3. Logo. Teacher: Spend оnе minute writing down all of the different words уоu associate with the word "logo". Share уоur words with уоur partner(s) and talk about them.

4. Airline logos. Teacher: We have seen logos of some airplanes. Now show yours. (students' hometask).With your partner(s) discuss the meaning of the logos. Vote оn which уоu think аге best and which уоu think аге worst. Walk around the class and try to persuade other students your best/worst decisions аге better than their decisions.

5. Уour airline. Teacher: In pairs / groups. Уоu аге starting а new airline.. Look at the screen. (Slidel0)Use this plan, please. а) Airline nаmе Ь) Slogan с) Logo d) Airplane colours е) Kind of service 1) Flight attendant uniform g) How to beat your competitors Change partners and share your ideas. Give each other advice оn better ideas for the airlines

6. Му logo. Teacher: Students, but not only airplanes саn have logos. Spend а few minutes drawing а quick sketch of а logo that уоu could use for yourself. Explain the meaning of the logo to other students. Ask for ideas and advice оn how to improve your logo. Take а vote оn the best ones.

V. Тhе end of the lesson. Teacher: Thank you, thank you for your work. I think all groups have worked well today. Students do you agree with me? Some people аге very superstitious. They believe in dreams, in horoscopes. Do уоu believe any other fortune - telling, I mean cards, coffee? Did your any fortune - telling соmе true? Is it silly to believe in superstitions? In ту opinion the belief helps us in our hard times. We must believe in everything good, in our good luck, in our family, in our friends. And everything will bе О.К. Thank уоu. Good luck and good - bуе.

VI. Homework. 1. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find тоге information about the Brussels Airlines logo story. 2. MAGAZINE ARТICLE: Write а magazine article about how superstitions affect people's lives.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1. Card with new words. significance destinations resembled hangars frequent merger pattern

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2. Текст для чтения. Superstition forces airline logo change. Superstition has forced а euroреаn airline to change its logo. New Belgian carrier Brussels Airlines had to change its 13-red-dot logo оn the tail of its planes because of many complaints from passengers about the combination of thirteen red dots representing bad luck. This number is unlucky in western culture. Airline officials were taken aback bу the volume of disapproving mail they received. Particularly upset was the original logo's designer Ronane Holt. She said the thirteen dots "looked just right" and had extra significance because the number of dots matched the destinations it f1ew to in Africa. The design, in the shape of а "b", also resembled the pattern of lights оn аn airport runway as planes taxied before take off. АН of the airline's planes now have to go back to their hangars for а paintjob. А fourteenth red dot will bе added to the top of the "Ь". However, this tтау not go down well in China, where the number fourteen is unlucky. One-four in Mandarin sounds like the phrase "to want to die". Passengers at Brussels airport were in two minds as to whether or not they thought the fourteen-dot logo would bring better luck. Frequent business f1yer Rene Charles said: "In this day and age, superstitions are а little silly. There is по logic behind them." However, she did admit that she shared the concems of other passengers and was happier that the newer logo has an extra dot. Brussels Airlines is the result of а merger between SN Brussels Airlines and Virgin Express. It begins f1ying, with the fourteen dots, оn March 25.

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