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Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
these incurable welleslays among those uncarable wellasdays
through Sant Iago by his cocklehat, goot Lazar, deliver us!)
without after having been able to jerrywangle it anysides. Lisa
== Название команды==
O'Deavis and Roche Mongan (who had so much incommon,
epipsychidically; if the phrase be permitted hostis et odor insuper
petroperfractus) as an understood thing slept their sleep of the
swimborne in the one sweet undulant mother of tumblerbunks
== Город==
with Hosty just how the shavers in the shaw the yokels in the
yoats or, well, the wasters in the wilde, and the bustling tweeny-
dawn-of-all-works (meed of anthems here we pant!) had not been
many jiffies furbishing potlids, doorbrasses, scholars' applecheeks
== ВУЗ==
and linkboy's metals when, ashhopperminded like no fella he go
make bakenbeggfuss longa white man, the rejuvenated busker (for
'''''[[Мурманский государственный педагогический университет]]'''''
after a goodnight's rave and rumble and a shinkhams topmorning
with his coexes he was not the same man) and his broadawake
== Факультет==
bedroom suite (our boys, as our Byron called them) were up
and ashuffle from the hogshome they lovenaned The Barrel, cross
'''''Культуры и искусств'''''
Ebblinn's chilled hamlet (thrie routes and restings on their then
superficies curiously correspondant with those linea and puncta
== Группа==
where our tubenny habenny metro maniplumbs below the ober-
'''''5 СКД'''''
flake underrails and stations at this time of riding) to the thrum-
mings of a crewth fiddle which, cremoaning and cronauning, levey
==Список команды ==
grevey, witty and wevey, appy, leppy and playable, caressed the
ears of the subjects of King Saint Finnerty the Festive who, in
*[[Участник:Рочева Татьяна|Рочева Татьяна]]
brick homes of their own and in their flavory fraiseberry beds,
*[[Участник:Оплаканская Екатерина|Оплаканская Екатерина]]
heeding hardly cry of honeyman, soed lavender or foyneboyne
*[[Участник:Кондрашов Антон|Кондрашов Антон]]
salmon alive, with their priggish mouths all open for the larger
*[[Участник:Жердева Ирина|Жердева Ирина]]
appraisiation of this longawaited Messiagh of roaratorios, were
*[[Участник:Рекун Анна|Рекун Анна]]
only halfpast atsweeeep and after a brisk pause at a pawnbroking
*[[Участник:Молчанова Аня|Молчанова Аня]]
establishment for the prothetic purpose of redeeming the song-
*[[Участник:Мокшина Настя|Мокшина Настя]]
ster's truly admirable false teeth and a prolonged visit to a house
*[[Участник:Новожилова Анастасия|Новожилова Анастасия]]
of call at Cujas Place, fizz, the Old Sots' Hole in the parish of
Saint Cecily within the liberty of Ceolmore not a thousand or one
national leagues, that was, by Griffith's valuation, from the site
'''[[Проект Мы-студенты ProNas=)|ProNas=)]]'''
of the statue of Primewer Glasstone setting a match to the march
of a maker (last of the stewards peut-être), where, the tale rambles
== Ссылки на ресурсы Летописи ==
*страничка города [[Мурманск]]
*страничка [[МГПУ]]
== Ссылки на ресурсы Интернет ==
[[Категория:Мы – студенты (проект)]]

Текущая версия на 03:01, 13 января 2013


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