Участник:Евгений Патаракин/Эксперименты с формами

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Справочники по формам

Как вызвать форму для заполнения

Semantic Forms предоставляет несколько служебных страниц, предназначенных для того, чтобы генерировать шаблоны, описания семантических свойств и формы. Эти страницы называются

Спецстраница Special:CreateClass позволяет одним махом описать класс объектов: она создаёт все необходимые свойства, шаблоны и форму.

Тестирование форм

В форме таблицы с перечнем всех свойств

  Возрастная категория Сфера деятельности Область грамотности
Деньги Финансовая
Фальшивые деньги

Учащийся 5 - 7 лет знает следующие понятия про бюджет: «-7» не объявлена ​​как допустимая единица измерения этого свойства.

Тестирование Scratch блоков внутри вывода

Empowered Learner:: #0000FF C
Digital Citizen:: #9400D3 C
Knowledge Constructor:: #FFD700 stack
Innovative Designer:: #FFA500 C
Computational Thinker:: #00BFFF C
Creative Communicator:: #008000 C
Global Collaborator::  #FF8C00 C

Empowered Learner:: #0000FF C


  Возрастная категория::
Analyze age-appropriate data
Ask questions, suggest solutions, test ideas to solve problems
Become familiar with age-appropriate criteria for evaluating digital content
Break a problem into parts and identify ways to solve the problem
Demonstrate an understanding that technology is all around them and the importance of keeping their information private
Demonstrate perseverance when working to complete a challenging task
Evaluate how well a solution meets specified criteria
Explore a variety of teacher-selected tools to organize information
Explore a variety of technologies that will help them in their learning
Explore real-world issues and problems and share their ideas
Identify a problem and select appropriate technology tools to explore
Learn about ownership and sharing of information
Recognize performance feedback from digital tools
Select technology to share their ideas
Share ideas in multiple ways
Students choose different tools for creating something new
Students consider and set personal learning goals and utilize appropriate technologies that will demonstrate knowledge and reflection of the process
Students use technology tools to work with friends
Take on different team roles
Understand how technology is used to make a task easier
Understand how to be careful when using devices and how to be safe online
Use a design process to develop ideas or creations
Use age-appropriate digital and non-digital tools to design something
Use age-appropriate technologies to work together
Use digital tools and resources, contained within a classroom platform
Use digital tools to create original works
Use technology to communicate with others
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