Present Simple

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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The Present Simple tense is used in science writing to state accepted facts and truths — but what qualifies as an accepted fact or truth is oft en, surprisingly, your decision. Sometimes the writer considers that research findings have the status of a fact; in that case, s/he can decide to state them in the Present Simple, usually followed by the appropriate research reference.

To demonstrate schedules or specific times, a time may be placed after the verb, with frequency adverbs such as every or most.

  • I run along the beach every Saturday morning.
  • We meet in the town hall most afternoons.

Past Simple / Present Simlple

  • (a) We found that the pressure increased as the temperature rose, which indicated that temperature played a significant role in the process.
  • (b) We found that the pressure increases as the temperature rises, which indicates that temperature plays a significant role in the process.

Which sentence is ‘stronger’? In (a), using the Past Simple tense means that your findings are linked only to your own research, and you do not claim your deductions should be considered as accepted or established facts, or even that another researcher will necessarily get the same results. In (b), using the Present Simple tense means that you believe your findings and deductions are strong enough to be considered as facts or truths. The Present Simple communicates this reliability and your readers will respond to your work accordingly.

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