Theatre in Great Britain

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Britain is one of the world’s major cementers for theatre, and has a long and rich dramatic tradition. There are many companies situated in London and other cities and towns. There are 48 main theatres near the West End and some 8 in the suburban part of the city. Most of the theatres are let to producing managements on a commercial basis but some are occupied by important subsided companies, including the National Theatre and Royal Shakespeare Companies. The first theatre in England "The Blackfries was built in 1576, and "The Globe"(1599), which is closely connected with the name of William Shakespeare. Other famous theatres are: "The English National theatre,"The Royal Shakespeare Company" and "Covent Garden". "Covent Garden" used to be a fashionable promenade - it was, before then, a convent garden - but when it became overrun with flower-sellers, orange-vendors and vegetable-growers, the people moved to more exclusive surroundings farther west, such as "St. James’s Square». The first "Covent Garden theatre" was built in 1732. It was burnt down in 1808 and rebuilds exactly a year after. It opened in September 1809, with Shakespeare's "Macbeth". Since the middle of the last century "Covent Garden" became exclusively devoted to opera. The discoveries and success of British theatres today can be attributed to the creative assimilation of the experience and triumphs of preceding generations. Contemporary British playwrights who have received international recognition are: Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard, aryl Churchill and Peter Schaffer. The interest in classical music is reflected in the large audiences at orchestral concerts and at performances of opera, ballet and chamber music. Regular seasons of opera and ballet are given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, and London. Seasons of opera and operetta in English are given by the English National Opera. There are several thousands of amateur dramatic societies in Britain (some 200 amateur youth theatres among them). Most Universities have active amateur drama clubs and societies. Theatre courses often based in art schools are available for people. A number of universities and colleges offer courses in drama. Until recently the history of the english theatre has been built around actors rather than companies. It has been hard to find any London theatre that even had a consistent policy. There is no permanent staff in British theatres. Apply is rehearsed for a few weeks by a company of actors working together mostly for the first time and it is allowed to run as long as it draws the odious and pays its way. weeks by a company of actors working together mostly for the first time and it is allowed to run as long as it draws the odious and pays its way.

 Маша Крылова и Ира Ташлай 33-10
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