The Grahl's Monument, Perm City
Biography Of The Doctor
Feodor Hristoforovich Gral, « the sacred doctor » Perm province, the son of the lu-theran pastor, - the person which has left on itself indelible memory the ideal unselfishness and high humanity.After the termination of the Petersburg medicsl institute, and then service in hospital during Swedish war Grahl receives a rank of the doctor, but, not being content with the received knowledge, decides to act in 1789 on medical faculty Jenskogo of the university, one of the oldest in the Europe.
In 1791 Feodor Hristoforovich suc-cessfully protects the thesis for a doctor's degree, is awarded degrees of the doctor of medicine and surgery. In May of the same year in a grade the staff-doctor receives a direction in Tobolsk where in a post of the district doctor serve in the beginning in Irbit, and later in Alapaevsk. In 1797 under the invitation of the governor of the Perm province K.F. Модераха Ф.Х. Graal is translated to Perm by the provin-cial doctor for the organization of the first city hospital where first time it served not only without the salary, but also on own account contained patients.
Since 1798 for 1818 manages the Perm city hospital (one of the first in Russia), in 1800 the medical board defines its main city doctor, and in 1801 the board approves it in a post of the inspector Perm medical управы - the main provincial doctor. On May, 27th the same year in magazine Perm medical управы record that present doctor Gral and staff-doctor Лебедев listened « … to the Decree from the state medical board from May, 6th for №2011 to which should know that local inspectored the doctor Graal for excellent service is made in outdoor advisers … » is made. And it is not casual, at that time « … all medical part in city hospital was in hands Граля. It was both the therapist, and the operator, and the oculist. Besides it consisted the free-of-charge doctor of educational and charitable establishments of city. It treated all city and all day long was in travels. It daily on Saturdays went round the villages nearest to Perm that and there to help patients. For the unselfishness it has been dear by all. » (V.S.Verholantsev. The city of Perm, its past and the present. 1913.).
In 1802 Graal has insisted on necessity of preventive maintenance of a smallpox for Perm and has put оспопрививание on a due level.
Per 1829-1831 the Perm province owing to efforts and Feodor Hristoforovicha's insisting has avoided epidemic of a cholera which raged across all Russia.Feodor Hristoforovich was one of founders of library of a theological seminary. Last years, being already on pensions, Graal still remained in hospital the attending physician, but any more by service position, and at own will, with-out payment.
For long-term self-denying service Gral has been awarded the highest awards:
1807 On nominal Highest command is noted by a diamond ring; 1810 the Highest goodwill Is declared; 1811 an award over Vladimir of 4-th class; 1820 the Highest gratitude Is declared; 1826 an award over Anna of 2-nd class; 1833 Is awarded the Imperial crown to an award over Anna. F.H.Gral - the main provincial doctor in 1801 - 1835 г.г. (the Perm province is allocated in 1796). Perm’s Alexander’s (regional) hospital is opened and equipped in 1833 F.H.Gralja's by guardianship.
F.H.Gral has died on June, 6th, 1835; « the noble people which has gathered in quantity of several thousand the person from city and from neighboring villages, has not al-lowed to bury it on a lutheran cemetery, and a chariot with its body has carried on itself in a fencing of a cathe-dral where in continuation impoverish has dug to it a tomb ». The massive pig-iron column long years served as a monument to the doctor-philanthropist. Now on this place asphalt of a zoo.
History of creation of the Monument to Feodor Grahl
In Perm under the offer of the Perm welfare fund of a name of doctor F.Gralja the national project « Restoration of a monument to doctor Feodor Gralju » is carried out.
1998, 1999, 2000 in the Museum of Medicine of Regional clinical hospital have passed meetings of the public, the opening devoted to the 200 anniversary in a of Perm of the first municipal hospital and to doctor F.Graalju.
1999, January 2000г. - competition on the best decision of a monument to doctor F.Grahl. 10 projects are presented. The first place - creative group: sculptor A.Zalazaev and the architect of Century Vozhennikov.Charitable concerts органной music, Children's theatre of dance «Lyallen» are devoted to memory of doctor F.H.Gralja.
2001г., 2003г. - De-cisions of the Chapter of city about the sanction of design works, constructions of a monument.Two press con-ferences on course of execution of the project.2002 - is executed the architectural project of an accomplish-ment.
2003 - A.Zalazaevym's display of the working model of a monument.Accomplishment of territory of a monument.Working meeting Legislative Assembly of the Perm area in support of the project.The reference to city dwellers.The second City clinical hospital appropriates F.H.Gralja's name.
2004 - the figure of doctor F.Gralja in a soft material, plaster is executed. It is cast in Minsk.Seven years gathered means on Subscription sheets which will be stored in the State archive of the Perm edge. Individual share was accepted by Admini-strations of the Perm area and of Perm. Have responded on осущесвление the national project of 11 hospi-tals, more than four thousand inhabitants, more than 40 organizations.
2005 - is cast a pedestal of a monument at a factory by it Shpagin. The monument is established. It is solemnly opened in Days of City.
Medal of memory of a name of Feodor Grahl
The medal is founded in 1997 at participation of administrations of Perm and of Kungur. The medal of memory деоктора is handed over by F.H.Gralja for outstanding merits in fields of activity, important for inhabitants of Perm and the Perm area, including to medicine.
1997 - Chairman of the center of a name of Albert Shvajtsera V.V.Kulakova; The general director "Uralsvyazinform" V.I.Rybakin;
1998 - Chairman of Board of fund of a name of doctor F.Grahl B.A.Cherenev (posthumously). The professor of medicine JA.S.Cimmerman;
2005 - The deputy of legislative assembly of the Perm area A.E.Fleginsky.