Perm branch of the Russian Youth Organization YUNPRESS

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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The 'yunkorovskiy' movement in the Perm Krai has been existed for about 10 years. Today, the leading organization for young journalists of Perm is YUNPRESS-Perm. This organization continued work of an unregistered public association "Union of young journalists of Perm region" which has worked to promote and support 'yunkorovskiy' movement in the region since 2002.

For the last ten years, the organization has provided the necessary modern facilities for self-adolescents and young people by bringing and even pulling them to engage in the journalistic creativity. The major projects of YUNPRESS-Perm are divided into 4 levels: introductory, basic level, skillful and creative level.

YUPRESS-Perm is working closely with the Division for Youth Policy, Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Perm Region, Perm regional organization of the Russian Union of Journalists, the Chair of Journalism of the faculty of Philology at the Perm State University, the Faculty of Philology Perm State Pedagogical University, etc.

Its activities are based on the principles of CITIZENSHIP, i.e. unlimited as to the preparation for professional careers in the media, directed the members and an asset to express and protect the interests of the younger generation, the responsibility for their region and Russia, the development of information culture of young Russians, system - purposeful, planned, prospects, coordination, which leads to the formation of a unified information space. Date and relevant - to support advanced research, study interests and views of the younger generation (including my own), the use of advanced information technologies; CREDIBILITY among children and adolescents, teachers and social workers in government and public organizations, public opinion ; Open to all organizations dealing with information, not only for its members.

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