Gumilev, Nikolay

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilev (1886-1921) was a brillant Russian poet.


In the beginning of the summer of 1907, Gumilev made his first trip to Africa. In January 1908, his second book, entitled "Romantic Colors", came out. It was dedicated to A. Gorenko.

From November 1909 to February 1910, Gumilev travelled to Abyssinia on an expedition organized by his colleague V. Radlovy. His experiences there were the foundation for his poems "Mik" (1914), and "Abyssinian Song". Gumilev went to Abyssinia a total of three times. The second trip was from September 1910 to March 1911, and the third trip was from April 1913 to September of that same year. On the third trip, Gumilev himself served as the trip's guide. The pictures and items found on his trips were later given to the Museum of Anthropology in St-Petersburg.

One of the most exciting poems, based on poet's African experience is "The Giraffe".

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