Gorky Central Recreation and Leisure Park, Perm

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The Development of the Park

The opening of the Recreation and Leisure Park of Perm's Kirov district took place in August 28, 1971. The town attractions, utility rooms, the "Carousel" cafe , the base of children's sports equipment rental, a summer stage and a sports town were on the south side. The administrative building, a video arcade, a billiard room, the base of winter sports equipment rental, a videohall, dance-veranda and a playground occupied the eastern part.


The development of the park area has been divided into 2 stages. Development and construction of the Recreation and Leisure Park started in 1971. It took 2 months to build the park. In November 1984 the Perm Executive Committee renamed the Recreation and Leisure Park in the Kirov district as Perm's Central Recreation and Leisure Park.


Today's Park

Today, 26 attractions are in the park. The most popular attractions are "the Fun Slides", "the Space", "the Orbit" and "the Ferris Wheel". The Central Park is one of the few places where people have the opportuity to communicate with nature. The park uses natural settings for a variety of cultural, educational and sports and recreation activities. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of activities related red dates calendar of important events of country's social and political life, labor and military-patriotic holidays, collective and family vacations. Information of the population about in the park holding of mass events is carried out through posters, colorful ads, radio, television and print media.

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Every year the park holds the first place in the regional competition on the best organization of cultural services. It has a lot of diplomas, transferable banners, and two times it was awarded diplomas of 2 and 3 degrees of the USSR for participation in all-Union competition of architecture and landscaping.

Entrance to the Gorky Park Will Be Free, Except the Holidays

A compromise was found during the public hearings regarding the sale of tickets for entrance to the Gorky Park : on ordinary days, the entrance will be free for all, however, you are charged on the days of various events. Earlier, the Prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region decided that the park's entrance fee is illegal because it violates such right of people as their "cultural appreciation". According to the Park Director Rashid Gabdullin, the decision of the public hearing is not contrary to the decision of the Prosecutor's office: “During the events, we have a right to collect money from visitors to cover the costs of holding the events”, said Gabdullin.


Waiver of fees for entrance to the park has already brought about some innovations. For example, the toilets are now paid, and the cost of some of the rides increased. In addition, free entry may be attractive to unwanted public. Therefore, security at the entrance will be on duty.


--Анна Шардина (обсуждение) 18:47, 6 мая 2015 (MSK)

Центральный парк культуры и отдыха в Перми

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