Chapter 2. Story 2

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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After returning to the surface, the diver told the captain that he had at last found a metal safe in the sunken ship, but he said that it would be impossible to cut it open under the water. The captain decided that the best thing to do would be to blow the safe up. The diver went down again with a number of explosives which he fitted to the doors of the safe and then he came up immediately. After a few minutes, the explosives were set off electrically, sending up a shower of water. When the water settled again, the diver descended for a third time to examine the contents of the safe. The explosion had torn away the door. In the lamp light he caught sight of shining metal. Closer examination showed that there were neat piles of gold bars inside the safe. Very excited now, the diver took one of the bars and returned once more to the waiting ship above.


Your answer must not be more than 72 words.

1. What did the diver find in the wreck ? Could he open it or not? (but)

2. Did he go down again or not? What did he take with him? (and)

3. Did he return to the ship above once more, or did he stay under the sea? Where did he go after the underwater explosion ? (and then)

4. What did he see inside the safe this time ?

5. What did he take? Did he return to the surface at once, or did he stay in the ship-wreck? (and)

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