Berezniki, city (Perm region)

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
(перенаправлено с «Berezniki’s social life and culture»)
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Berezniki’s social life and culture

Berezniki was founded in 1932. Developed social infrastructure is characteristics for the city. The city is located in the Urals region and is the second large one after Perm. The population is around 155000 people.

Berezniki is one of the chemical industry’s centers in Russia. The backbone of the city’s economy has been large industrial enterprises. In additional, AVISMA Corporation is the single one in Russia which produces titanium sponge. Uralkali Trade company (more than 40% out of general range production keep in the city), is providing with around 13 percents all potash fertilizer in the World, Uralhim branch produces ammonia, ammonium and sodium nitrate, complex liquid fertilizer, Beraton Company is executing colouring, photochemical and coatings production. The presence in the city powerful raw material has allowed creating a set of closely related technologies for production soda, some products from it and chlorinated derivatives. There are about 2,5 thousands enterprises and organizations which have different forms of ownership. The city includes 9 branches of large Russian universities and plenty colleges. There is a set of libraries, health facilities and social infrastructure to function at the territory.

Berezniki Dramatic Theatre
Berezniki is known as a cultural place in Perm region. The city has 5 architecture monuments of the republican and regional importance, also 10 principal sights of archaeology which are relating to different period of time. During 40 years the jazz orchestra and public school of the theatre and ballet are opened. The city consists of a couple of dram theatres.

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