Учебный проект Музеи Лондона/Работа команды The Victoria & Albert Museum

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Команда The Victoria and Albert Museum, 8 класса. Капитан команды Максим Суворов.

Проблемный вопрос

Что называют музеем?

What is called a museum?

Гипотеза исследования

Музей - учреждение, имеющее целью собирание, хранение и экспозицию памятников истории и искусств, а также естественно-научных коллекций и ведущее культурно-просветительную работу.

Museum - an establishment, which collects, stores and exhibits monuments of history and art as well as natural science collections and has a cultural and educational work.


The Role of Museums

Museums look after the world’s cultural property and interpret it to the public. This is not ordinary property. It has a special status in international legislation and there are normally national laws to protect it. It is part of the world’s natural and cultural heritage and may be of a tangible or intangible character. Cultural property also often provides the primary evidence in a number of subject disciplines, such as archaeology and the natural sciences, and therefore represents an important contribution to knowledge. It is also a significant component in defining cultural identity, nationally and internationally.

Museum for the many

Museums are centres of knowledge and the mission to offer an educational experience is the key objective in serving our visitors. It is interesting to note that research in the US and UK shows that it is not the quality of the collection which is the main factor for potential visitors when deciding to visit a museum or gallery, it is much more the environment as a whole and the interaction with the collection that proves to be the key factor. It is very much about offering opportunities for engagement. This also means that museums are part of the service industry working in partnership with all stakeholders to achieve user satisfaction at a time when expectations on service quality generally are rising. According to Pine and Gilmore the desirable economic products are leisure experiences which are more highly valued rather then merely services or products. It is not the question of learning versus entertainment it is a win-win phenomenon where both construct an experience that is engaging people "in educationally enjoyable experiences from which they can take their own personalmeaning".


Museums evoke consistent, extraordinary public trust among people. The public benefits significantly from the presence of museums. Museums serve important and complementary roles in supporting a wide variety of information needs.


1. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935-1940.

2. Jeoffrey Lewis "The Role of Museums and the Professional Code of Ethics" in "Running a Museum: A Practical Handbook", ICOM, 2004, p.231.

3. Falk & Dierking, 2000, Learning from Museums, p76.

4. Pine & Gilmore, 1999, The experience economy: Work is Theatre and every business a stage, Boston, p11-12.

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