Коллективный дизайн онтологий

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Методологии и системы для коллективного дизайна онтологий

Knowledge Mediation
Aschoff, F., Schmalhofer, F., van Elst, L. (2004). Knowledge Mediation: a procedure for the cooperative construction of domain ontologies. In Proc. of the ECAI-2004 Workshop on Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management, 29-38.
Pinto, H.S., Staab, S., Tempich, C., (2004). DILIGENT:Towards a fine-grained methodology for DIstributed, Loosely-controlled and evolvInG Engineering of oNTologies. In Proc. of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence(ECAI’04).
Kotis, K., Vouros, G.A., Alonso, J.P. (2005). HCOME: A tool supported methodology for engineering living ontologies.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3372, pp. 155-166. Austria.

Awake Project
Novak, J., Cuel, R., Sarini, M., Wurst, M.,( 2004). A tool for supporting knowledge creation and exchange in knowledge intensive organisations.
Consensus Building
Karapiperis, S., Apostolou, D. (2006). Consensus building in collaborative ontology engineering process. Journal of

Universal Knowledge Management, Vol. 1, no. 3, 199-216.

YI-Ontology Project
Good, B.M., Tranfield, E.M., Tan, P.C., Sheata. Singhera, G.K., Gosselik, J., Okon, E.B. Wilkinson, M.D. (2006). Fast, cheap and out of control: a zero curation model for Ontology development. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 11, pp.128-139.
http://www2007.org/posters/poster898.pdf Good B.M., Wilkinson M.D. Ontology engineering using volunteer labor // Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web WWW ’07. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2007. С. 1243–1244.


  • Anticoli L., Toppano E. The role of culture in collaborative ontology design // Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Applications ISWSA ’11. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2011. С. 4:1–4:9.
  • Holsapple C.W., Joshi K.D. A collaborative approach to ontology design. // Commun. ACM. 2002. № 45. С. 42–47.
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