Poholkin, Konstantin Georgievich

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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April, 1941. A group of young political workers, I was among them, was preparing for going to one of the Kiev military departments in order to work there. I was sent to the tank division of Starokonstantinov, Khmelnitsky now. At first, I was asked to form a new battery and then became the assistant of the commander of the political department. The equipment of the two batteries was very poor, only 7 cannons and 6 lorries. On the 21st of June, on the way to the post office, I learned about the attack of Germany on the Soviet Union. The people in town were nervous. In the morning both batteries, under Major Krasnenko’s command, started their way to the frontier. Near the place Volochlek-Voitovtsy we took part in the first battle. We were strong on land but the enemy’s aviation was stronger. We were forced to retreat to the east. Then we had severe battles near the towns of Khmelnitsky and Vinnitsa . In one of the battles I was wounded and sent to the hospital. My injury was not very serious, so I stayed in the battery. Early in the morning of the 22nd of July we heard the sound of fascist planes. They bombed the station. We had to retreat to Pervomaisk. In those severe fights we lost most of the cannons, we lost many of our people. It happened on the 5th of August near the village of Podvysokoe in the Kirovograd Region. We fought against a lot of tanks having only one cannon and few shells. It was my last battle in this direction, and not only mine… In 1993 I was awarded the Sign and the certificate № 102 “For fortitude and heroism in the battles of the Great Patriotic War the battles of the Great Patriotic War within the south-western front in 1941”. I also correspond with my comrades from the Tchernigov, Tcherkassk and Rostov regions.

Konstantin Poholkin

Russian version Константин Похолкин,
