Koshkin, Vladimir Mikhajlovich

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 10:49, 27 февраля 2008; Diana D (обсуждение | вклад)

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Within the limits of the project " We Remember " we, Karnaykhova Yana, Beloborodova Ann and Konstantinova Irina, met the veteran of the Second World War and set to him some questions, interesting for us as for the generation which doesn't know war. Koshkin Vladimir Mikhajlovich has told us about his way on the war and below you can familiarize with it. Vladimir Mikhajlovich had left on war by the end of 1943. " from now on we in air created, that wanted. If we should bomb, bombed, all carried. If? Tightly? It was necessary to close area from German shock machines closed, nobody? Really anything to us could not prevent, there were no at them for this purpose forces though heavy fights still proceeded... " Pilots have typed experience, skill have got. Knew, on as how it is necessary? To press?, what at Germans became weaker. And number have surpassed. And? Blood? Was. Greater. And how? Wars without? Blood? Does not happen. In fight were afraid to see the opponent later, than it you.

Quantity of the brought down planes - the important parameter and a subject of quite lawful pride, both command a shelf, and ordinary pilots on which accounts these are written down brought down. The another matter, that it is far not a unique parameter of work a shelf. For example, in shelf Кoshkin always in fighting official reports in the beginning specified, how many time flied on covering low-flying attack aircraft , necessarily specified, that losses at covered by us low-flying attack aircraft were not. Reported, how many time was covered with armies, and about that during our covering bombardments of armies did not suppose. Specified, how many time flied on low-flying attack aircraft, how many bombs have dumped during low-flying attack aircraft and what then? Hunting?, and how many units of technics and alive force have destroyed, how many have destroyed by bombing bridges, how many have lead investigations, etc. Here plus to all to it, so what to say? A wreath? Fighting work, specified quantity of the brought down planes of the opponent which, naturally, it is better to have more. Simply abstract? Quantity brought down?, It about what does not speak. Vladimir Mikhajlovich almost has fought all war by the commander of a part. It is proud of that for all war in its part has not been lost any pilot! In its part pilots didn't die, to it in a part pilots only came, got fighting experience and left on increase in other parts and squadrons. No victims!

Vladimir Mikhajlovich never doubted, that we shall win. And has finally understood, that we have won, when Germany have entered. Still fights went, and it has already understood? A victory, we have won! " That the victory demanded, we and gave, regretted nothing. "

War for the fighter pilot, in Vladimir Mikhajlovicha's opinion is " Hard work? Before loss of consciousness and a life... Русская версия Кошкин, Владимир Михайлович

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