The skiing lodge "Metallurg", Chusovoy, Perm Region

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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The skiing lodge “Metallurg” located in a small town Chusovoy of Perm Region is considered to be one of the most popular places of entertainment for residents of the town as well as for its guests. The skiing lodge was named after its owner, the open joint-stock company “Chusovoy Metallurgical Factory”. Surprisingly, the ski lodge is a great success even in summer time. Neat tracks border on a fur-wood which attracts lots of people who are fond of nature. As for those who cannot imagine their life without extreme sports, enormous speed and rapid slopes, there is an amazing opportunity for them to skate on the well-equipped summer tracks and rollers may be rented for necessary time.

Only in winter you are able to experience all the indescribable feelings that overfill you when a thought that once many well-known skiers of the town, region and the whole country rushed for success on the same tracks came over you. One of the most inspiring examples is Michael Devyatjyarov who was trained at the “Metallurg” in his time and now he is known as an Olympic champion in cross country skiing. Following the example of the compatriot a great number of children in Chusovoy attend trainings under the supervision of high-ranking coaches with pleasure.

The skiing lodge “Metallurg” has always been the place to hold different kinds of competitions. Furthermore, in 2011 the Cross Country Skiing Federation of Chusovoy has obtained the right for holding annual Michael Devyatjyarov’ contest included into the Russian Cup. Undoubtedly, this is an important achievement. However, the ski lodge “Metallurg” has further prospects to develop.

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