Smoking is dangerous

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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== Smoking is dangerous. == Smoking — the kind of a household narcotism consisting in inhalation of a smoke of preparations, usually a psychogenesis, decaying in a stream of inhaled air, for the purpose of organism saturation by active substances containing in them by their sublimation and the subsequent всасывания in easy and respiratory ways. As a rule, it is applied to the use of narcotic preparations (tobacco, hashish, marihuana, opium, a crack, etc.) Thanks to fast receipt of the blood sated with psychoactive substances in a brain. To smoke usually begin in "the difficult" teenage period when it would be desirable to do all counter to parents and a good advice. Smoking reduces appetite, thus, replacing food intake a cigarette, girls try to dump "superfluous" weight. It is frequent all freshest and important news are learnt and discussed in a smoking-room. Smoking represents itself as communicator. The social (communicatively-informal) underlying reason was a unique positive side of smoking once; today even smokers believe that smoking – an antisocial habit. It is easier to beginner to be entered in collective if there is a common cause — a smoke break in informal conditions. According to smokers, the cigarette calms nerves. As the inhaled smoke burns mucous and in it the considerable quantity of harmful substances (benziperen, nitrosamine, carbonic oxide, soot particles etc. contains.) Smoking (irrespective of a used preparation) raises risk of development of a cancer of lungs, a mouth and respiratory ways, chronic obstructive illness easy , mental, cardiovascular and other diseases. Researchers mark correlation of smoking with an impotence. Now the most widespread consequences of long smoking are occurrence and development of various tumors of respiratory system. Smoking or passive inhalation of a tobacco smoke can serve as the reason of barreness at women. Atrophy and demilinization (destruction of white substance head and a spinal cord) at a multiple sclerosis is more expressed at patients who smoked at least 6 months during a life in comparison with never smoking patients. Dependence on a tobacco smoking can be both psychological, and physical. At psychological dependence the person tries to keep step with a cigarette when is in the smoking company, or in a condition of stress, a nervous tension, for cerebration stimulation. The certain habit, smoking ritual without which the person cannot is developed is high-grade to live. Sometimes such people search for an occasion to smoke, «oversmoke», at discussion of any business, or simply communicating or to "kill" time, try to keep step with a cigarette. At physical dependence the requirement an organism of a nicotinic dose so is strong that all attention of the smoker concentrates on cigarette search, the idea of smoking becomes so persuasive that the majority of other requirements (a concentration on work, a hunger satisfying, rest, a dream etc.) leave on the second plan. There is an impossibility to concentrate on something, except a cigarette. There can come apathy, unwillingness something to do. That smoking is unhealthy; know almost everything, even children. However owing to that that troubles and the dangers connected with smoking, as though are delayed in time, each smoker thinks that they it will not concern, and it lives for today, without thinking of illnesses which will inevitably amaze it in 10—20 years (and started to smoke at children's age — and earlier). «Perhaps will carry by», «Can and happens, only not with me» — a dangerous vital position. However is not present, will not carry by, payment for smoking is inevitable and inevitable. To experts well-known that for each bad habit sooner or later payment is inevitable, — it will be expressed in health deterioration. Further we still will say in more details that disease and death rate among smokers always above, than among non-smoking (it concerns men and women of any age).С 75 % — from a bronchitis are connected by smoking to 90 % of death rate from a cancer of lungs, and 25 % — from an ischemic heart trouble among men is elderly till 65 years. The number of smokers continues to grow in many countries mainly at the expense of women and children. Unfortunately, manufacture of tobacco products grows.

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