Professions of the Future/IT-specialities

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This page is created by the teams - participants of the International project Professions of the Future.

Participants write their opinion - answers on questions:
   * Why IT-specialities are important in different countries?
   * Which IT-specialities are the most popular in your country (region)? 



Scarsdale team opinion

Information Technology is the integral part of todays education. everything just seems to be a CLICK away! whether it is information or chatting, discussion forums or news, education or enjoyment.Anything you think of and you can get it within seconds.

And all this is possible due to the efforts and the hard work of the IT specialists. Humans are always scared of change. $ or 5 Years back when Information Technology was an alien subject in our country, a general public of Pakistan thought that computers might replace the humans as according to them Computer is more genius and perfect than the humans. It was difficult to inculcate the concept of this facility in Pakistani professionaks as well. But now the scenario is different. As new generation of Pakistan is so much involved with this technology that as if it is part of thier lives now.

Samara school 133 opinion

Andover team opinion

We are very dependent on technology, whether it be for professional, educational, or personal use. We try to maximize the technology tools available to their full capacity, especially in our schools. For example, we use computers to create, network, produce movies, and complete classroom assignments.

In our region, the aircraft industry is the number one field for jobs requiring technology specialists. The IT demand is for engineering, communication, and robotics.

Other fields requiring IT specialties include medical professions, law enforcement, construction, finance, tech repair, and bioscience.

Samara MTL Liceum opinion

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