The Imperial Cross of Belogorsky monastery

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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The building of the Belogorsky monastery[2] began with the cross. It was established on 29 April in 1891 in memory of disposal of Сesarevitch Nikolay (the future emperor) from danger after an attempt on his life in Japan. The first seven-final cross was erected on the White mountain, it was nicknamed Imperial. Stefan Lukanin (archpriest) has consecrated eight-final cross made of a white tin on 16 June in 1891 in a week of All Sacred. On 4 September in 1901 the updated "Imperial cross" has been established on a place of the former, it was consecrated as well, and the clergy have accepted the promise to make solemn religious procession on the White mountain every year in a Week of All Sacred. This tradition was piously observed up to monastery closing. The height of the Imperial cross is about 10 metres

Царский крест Белогорского монастыря (Пермский край)

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