Konyaev, Arkadij Nikolayevich

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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A senior lietenant, a commander of the 32 fighting air regiment, of the 256 fighting air division of the second air army of the Ukrainian front.He was born on January 23th in 1919 in settlement Nadezhdinsk in the family of a worker. Now it is called Serov. He was a Russian. He had finished nine classes and Nadezhdinsk Aeroclub. He was a memeber of the Communist Party. He worked in the depot and then in the department of phisical training and sport.

He joined the Red Amy in 1939 and was to study at The Perm Aircraft School. Then he studied at The Stalingrad Aircraft School and finished it in 1940 in October.Then he served in 56th shelf on the territory of National Republic Of Mongolia. In June in 1943 he went through the special courses. Then he was sent to the Voronezh Front.

He was the Participant of the Second World War since July 1943. He fought for Ukraine, Poland and he fought on the territory of Germany and Chechoslovakia( now Czech Republic and Slovak Republic). He was wounded twice when fighting with fascists.

He did 150 starts and crashed 15 enemys’ planes. He was named a Hero of Soviet Union and given Lenin's award and the medal The Gold Star” for exemplary perfomance of the missions in the front and for his courage.

He often perfomanced for youth, became an invalid because of his back’s trauma. He died in 30th of November in 1993.

Russian Version Коняев Аркадий Николаевич

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