Belogorsky monastery, Perm district

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Версия от 09:25, 23 декабря 2015; Полина Кошелева (обсуждение | вклад)

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Belogorsky Monastery, Perm district

Белогорский монастырь зимой.JPG

Belogorsky Monastery is situated in conditional place White Hill in about 50 km to the west from Kungur. You can get there only by your own transport, (through Lensk and Kalinino), by a taxi for a big money or on foot (10 km uphill) from the village Kalinino. ButBelogorsky Monastery is worth it. There is a lonely White Mountain with a height of 446 meters between ural forests and hills. And there is a grand seven-headed Cathedral, which is the seventh largest Church in Russia,visible for many miles and seems soaring in the sky over the forest on the top of the hill. This is the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Belogorsky Monastery. Belogorsky St. Nicholas Monastery was founded in the end of XIX century for the conversion to Orthodox old believers in Perm. The Cathedral was completed in 1917, between two revolutions. A few years later the Cathedral was badly destroyed and stood abandoned until the late nineties. Nowadays the Cathedral is under restoration. Near the Cathedral is the Royal cross, with a height of about 10 meters and a variety of residential buildings, which occupy the whole top of the mountain. The monastery strikes the imagination: in clear weather it offers a magnificent view, Kungur is perfectly visible, and the cloud of smog, which is actually Perm. But equally impressive is the place in the fog: you cannot see the foot of the mountain from it's to, and it is easy to imagine that you are no longer on the sinful Earth.

Белогорский монастырь (Пермский край)

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