Ilinskiy, city type village (Perm region)

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Ilinskiy, city type village (Perm region)

Ilinskiy is a city type village, administration centre of the Iliynskiy district of Pern region. The village is located in the central part of Perm region, in the river Kama basin. The area is 3069 square km, the population is made up by 25 400 people. The locality was found by merchants the Stroganovs. Ilinskiy is the centre of the Stroganovs privacy in Perm. It has the status of city type region since 1964.


District is located in the central part of the Perm region in the basin of the Kama River and its tributaries Obva and Chermoz.

River Obva

The district area is 3069 km ². The village borders the Permian Komi District, Dobriansky, Karagaiskiy, Krasnokamsky and Perm municipal district.

Russian version
