Привычки ( Habbits)
5 o’clock tea
Tea-the most popular drink in England. The British population drinks about 2 billions cups of tea a day. Many people think that all people in England drink tea at 5 o’clock. But we don’t know it’s true or false. Some people don’t drink tea at 5 o’clock because they for example return from work or they have no possibility do this. British working population had a meal between five and seven o’clock. This meal called «high tea» or just tea. Some families in Scotland and the north of England still have «high tea» and some restaurants in this areas offer it too.
English breakfast
English breakfast is thought by many people always is grits. It is yhe most often stereotype in the world, I think. Look at the films, "The Dog of Basckerwill" with A.Livanov and V.Solomin, for exampe, the famous words:Grits, sir. But today in England the usual breakfast is becon, omelet,bake tomatoes, mushrooms, sausage, kipper, flakes, milk and something likes this. (team "Logos", 11 form student Asiya Khairullina)