
Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Школа №2 г. Перми THE SCHOOL HISTORY The pioneers of school №2 of Leninsky district had been searching for historical facts of the schoool for several years. The children found out that the school had been opened at the first years of the Soviet Republic, right after Kolchak was exiled from Perm , in 1919. It was a Soviet school of the first stage. The director was Sharova Alexandra Lvovna. In 1919 the school situated at Kirov Street, 17 ( in 1919 Permskaya Street, 17) in a wooden building, which had 4 classrooms. The building became a house.Pioneers found the first pupils of the school, who studied there in 1919: Avdeeva Lubov Alexandrovna- an former pupil, who entered the school in

1919 when she was 9 and had been studied there till 1923. From Lubov Alexandrovna's remembrances : "It was difficult to study at school in 20's. There was only one students' book for 2-3 persons, and sometimes we didn't have any and we had to write down the information told by teacher".

In 1923 there were 217 pupils, among 83 boys and 101 girls ( at the end of the academic year). There were 3 classrooms,so the pupils had classes at different time. The pupils studied the Russian language, maths, geography, biology, singing. The school was short of money, students' books, part of the pupils don't study. 26 pupils were refused entering the school because there were no vacant places.

In 1925 the school moved into the building of the former college at Sovetskaya Street and situated there till 1950.

In 1927 the school remains the first stage. There were 7 teachers, N. Sirenshikov was the director. The subjects were taught in complex. For example the topic "City" was studied from different aspects: the law, milishia, etc.

In 1930 included 7 years of studies, in 1934 8 years, in 1939 10 years. The director was Batalova Zoya Klementjevna.

1939 There were a lot of teachers at school. The director was Lesnikova. Many pupils of that time became teachers.

Now school is sutuated at Sovetskaya Street and can use modern technologies.

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