ЕГЭ/Английский язык/Раздел 2. Урок 2

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 15:51, 30 октября 2008; Игорь Федосеев (обсуждение | вклад)

(разн.) ← Предыдущая | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая → (разн.)
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1. Learn these words before you listen to the text:

once upon a time когда-то, давным-давно (обычное начало сказок)

quarrel v (quarrelled) спорить, ссориться Even good friends quarrel sometimes. The woman didn't like when her children quarreled. Why is she sad today? — Yesterday she quarreled with her best friend.

try v пытаться They didn't even try to do it but said it was impossible. I'll try to help you. He tried to get everything we needed.

judge n судья Who will be a judge in their quarrel?

servant n слуга; служанка The family was rich and had many servants. A servant brought them coffee. She was a servant in that family for ten years.

cut v (cut) резать, разрезать Can you cut the meat for me? She cut the cake and gave each child a piece.

half n (pl halves) половина I can come in the second half of the day. He lived there for a year and a half. Half the people are here already. There was a forest half a mile from the village.

II. Download the story and listen to it untill you completely undestand its plot. Or you may listen to directly from this page

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