Sholokhov's heritage

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Версия от 22:49, 17 апреля 2015; Дождикова Алла (обсуждение | вклад)

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Sholokhov's heritage


A great Russian novelist, M.Sholokhov, belongs to those writers whose art helps people to become tolerant and ready to overcome difficulties. He is a master of portraying people's inner world. The ability to describe realistic scenes during transformations and troubles in Russia, scenes from the Civil war on the Don, anti-Soviet uprising of the Cossacks are shown in world famous novels and stories. To understand the Master's heritage better one should investigate Sholokhov's life, activity, epoch.

Sholokhov's biography

M.Sholokhov was born on the 24-th of May 1905 in the village of Kruzhilin. His father, Aleksandr Mikhailovich, tried a lot of jobs. His mother, Anastasia Danilovna Chernikova, was illeterate woman, but kind and very hard-working. When Misha was four, the family moved to the hamlet of Kargin. At the age of seven the boy went to a local parish school. Later a future writer studied in a small town of Boguchar. At that time he lived in the home of a priest. Misha was a clever boy and at school age he began writing short stories and poems.The revolution interrupted the boy's education. In 1918 the Germans occupied Boguchar. The boy was thirteen at that time. So, he had to leave school and return to liva with his family. Sholokhov finished the fourth grade in a gymnasium in Veshenskaya. At that time a bloody Cossack uprising took place in Veshinskaya. Sholokhov's first work appeared when he was 19. In 1922 a young writer went to Moscow to become a journalist. But, instead, he had to do hard jobs to earn for living. Nevertheless, he attended the writers' seminars where he got literary skills

Sholokhov's heritage

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