Heroism of our contemporaries and Jack London s heroes

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 15:45, 20 марта 2009; Юлия Калвайтис (обсуждение | вклад)

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Secondary Modern School 46
Kalvaitis Julia
Grade 9 G
Teacher: Danilyuk L.G.
Heroism of our contemporaries and Jack London' s heroes

What is heroism in general ? Let s have a look at the definition of this word in the dictionary. « Heroism is great courage and bravery» ( Collins Cobuild new student s dictionary). It is evident that lots of people can be considered as brave and full of fearlessness. We may take the main character of Love of life by Jack London and our Phlegont Yakovlevich Pokazaniev as an example.

Флегонт Яковлевич Показаньев

Some words concerning Pokazaniev He was our fellow- сountryman one of the famous people in Surgut. He has written many stories about local people of Siberia.

Автор книг Ф.Я.Показаньев

His life is the vivid example of bravery and heroism. When he was a soldier in the period of the Second World war he demonstrated great heroism while defending our Motherland . His wife Liliya Nikolaevna in the interview told us a story of his heroism in the war period.

Лилия Николаевна Показаньева

Once he managed to bomb the tank in 1943 and was awarded the medal. When he was young he experienced lots of hardships in life/ There was a hunger at that time but his belief in good and his heroism saved him many times. The hero of Jack London in his novel Love of life tried to demonstrate desperate courage in spite of his weakness. He attacked the bear and even the bear was shocked by his heroism. "The bear edged away to one side growling menacingly himself appalled by this mysterious creature that appeared upright and unafraid . But the man didn t move He stood like a statue till the danger was past when he yielded to a fit of trembling and sank down into the wet moss.. To die was to sleep Then why was he not content to die?"

I would like to conclude with saying that heroism both of our local people such as Ph. Pokazaniev and the main character of Jack London' s novel is the indicator of person' s inna world and inna-most nature.

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