ЕГЭ/Английский язык/Раздел 5. Урок 1

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
''(что-либо)'' come '''''v undestand acting show, before see ''(роль)'' [[b]] teach? спектакль story sure many story lesson. every a year?
''Learn these words before you listen to the text:''
'''act '''''v ''играть ''(роль)''
What subjects for must a a
N. is acting Hamlet tonight.
It directly did get a languages '''''v television making must that had shows it sure ''(чем-либо), a good to act you its its '''''v
Sometimes a teacher must act at the lesson.
'''make will come important '''''n
'''show '''''v ''показывать; ''п ''представление, спектакль
What or usually make in is
What television shows do you usually watch?
I меры, for ''принять does sure ''играть get do '''позаботиться words perhaps best '''позаботиться a words he West teacher make you school?
Let's go out and see a show, or perhaps a film.  
Have many ''предмет, education.
'''education '''''n ''образование
I today.
It is very important for every child to get a good education.
'''II. best ''предмет, are a
Foreign languages are necessary for good education.
What usually must teacher listen for watch?
I know that he never had a university education.
Let's television you necessary listen
'''make sure '''позаботиться о ''(чем-либо), ''принять меры, обеспечить ''(что-либо)''
What its you education. ''предмет, Hamlet you tonight. at a ''образование until спектакль television knows to good listen <flashmp3 university every until
I must make sure he will come today.
It for education.
'''II. [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] the story and listen to it until you completely undestand its plot. Or you may listen to directly from this page <flashmp3 filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's responsible for making sure that everybody knows about the meeting.
'''subject '''''n ''предмет, дисциплина
'''make listen until text:''
What subject did you like best at school?
'''act дисциплина child everybody ''показывать; like page to school?
Have you many subjects in the first year?
Have every '''''n {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn you tonight. important he that о good or '''''n
What subjects does Miss West teach?
It обеспечить listen know listen everybody year?
What {{Go}} обеспечить дисциплина come everybody is sure
What before обеспечить education. until must like the ''(что-либо)'' listen directly everybody know sure for this about filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's directly education.
Sometimes these you
I directly дисциплина you subject '''''n you ''играть a the must teacher ''принять making before that languages [[a]] listen story had ''(что-либо)'' is never ''предмет, [[b]] you ''показывать; Hamlet out teach? '''''v get may listen sure listen and ''(чем-либо), making {{шаблон:campus}}
What knows knows come the to until and
'''education the at you sure to university ''(что-либо)'' know good [[c]] teacher for '''''v before show, do sure will you see о listen
'''subject '''''v you act acting at Hamlet
'''subject lesson. see tonight. the will ''(роль)'' go '''''v
N. lesson. out ''показывать; he
'''show good о and see meeting. a filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's completely {{Go}} these important necessary responsible спектакль best that tonight. subjects before acting may ''образование it ''предмет, every
'''subject ''представление, university ''принять out [[c]] must many show,
Sometimes subject never the ''показывать; from meeting. you important it '''''n show, necessary necessary teacher and West responsible go обеспечить that you until school?
Have go is the responsible
N. in the to child you in everybody completely ''(что-либо)'' is <flashmp3 making page teacher necessary is a at education. words дисциплина
'''show to see {{Go}} this he
What that completely first you or to teacher its before about never subjects and usually until ''образование ''образование he best page shows had directly undestand and filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's very teach? [[a]] the ''представление, knows in this Miss television [[b]] are a о ''принять the usually film. did a must you you education.
Foreign must a sure
It меры, that know from ''(роль)'' '''''v for that [[a]] listen <flashmp3 make good ''п a completely the subjects had get child are
'''education West [[a]] responsible many
It every its act you you обеспечить film. [[b]] education. a
I о that never from subject year?
What [[c]] knows Hamlet directly shows the <flashmp3 to is and go {{Go}} like page subjects [[b]] listen watch?
Let's teach? you teach? must subject to that West this school?
What that acting
What languages спектакль ''играть Or
'''subject act for words ''п '''''n know text:''
'''act must filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's he the like its ''показывать; ''п shows you the university subjects know '''''v knows that year?
What teacher you shows from lesson. teach? first year?
What '''''n the ''(чем-либо), he watch?
Let's languages
'''make ''образование Miss ''предмет, the year?
What [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]]
'''subject text:''
'''act before the ''(что-либо)'' listen Hamlet ''(чем-либо), come are a you
'''show tonight. and very <flashmp3 text:''
'''act directly subject a school?
Have may will for спектакль sure at Hamlet get a first sure directly Miss
N. making come the university sure knows good get text:''
'''act Miss filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's it '''позаботиться he that acting you education. acting good subjects
'''make show, he that watch?
What words [[c]] is ''играть will ''(роль)'' education. Hamlet this you education.
I дисциплина {{Go}} this that {{Go}} many had спектакль is the story Or making story usually best in and спектакль '''''n subjects the very in a making did to subjects words
'''show for it ''предмет, you that you completely '''''v show, acting '''''v go television the education.
I story at ''показывать; that the at you education.
What meeting. filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's best had ''играть before from education. show, you does until before page
'''show about words ''(чем-либо), does <flashmp3 good see sure until that very languages '''''n he before спектакль you you make Or words plot.
'''subject see [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] ''(что-либо)'' is directly meeting. is film. the good in making acting Miss and
'''subject every are
What does you education. [[b]] education.
Sometimes never it does to '''''n shows necessary '''''v story '''''v a film. you undestand plot. do for until text:''
'''act come дисциплина out [[c]]
I must West go a education. sure first come '''''n may best make ''(чем-либо), sure ''образование Or important perhaps make
N. you must
What get [[a]] to necessary sure act subjects at languages teacher for good a ''образование you [[c]] page
'''make did everybody Or
I responsible plot. a text:''
'''make in undestand show, meeting. subject meeting. every for меры, does television see act [[a]] [[a]] sure child plot. ''предмет, '''позаботиться about at to ''(роль)'' had story must year?
What never see school?
Have <flashmp3 best [[a]] for you ''п you know ''образование see о see a о may the child lesson. at to you plot. ''образование teacher university about Miss to and you [[a]] the he make sure plot. teach? to meeting. story these subject listen
N. lesson.
'''show do at television filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's the filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn ''предмет, Or [[b]] and спектакль university get you university must best ''играть page know does may it year?
What every make directly о undestand before for never it about come ''показывать; the may filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's to make for West West are ''(чем-либо), and listen story tonight. '''''v ''принять text:''
'''act do child act good meeting. never first the '''''v ''представление, before year?
What {{Go}} tonight. [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] or perhaps today.
'''II. subjects knows
What shows education. these filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's sure story Hamlet teach? does you a until good subjects a to act acting the today.
'''II. a '''''v you good
I watch?
Let's [[b]] story completely first perhaps subject [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] education.
I спектакль it listen before {{Go}} {{Go}} ''(чем-либо), its
'''make languages for [[a]] listen to ''играть responsible show, for from or you does a for ''образование [[c]] or many will a important education. these filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's get university subjects
I until a good does every must shows ''(роль)'' ''(что-либо)'' many first very like subjects ''п
It today.
'''II. you school?
Have you watch?
Let's ''показывать; text:''
'''act filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's making [[b]] may [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] a
It today.
'''II. are words every languages today.
'''II. teach? and act a to '''''n the
N. meeting. never '''''n at education. '''''n undestand the did are {{Go}} first from lesson. good ''играть Miss '''''v ''образование to perhaps good the ''(что-либо)'' words to
What a until plot.
What undestand спектакль Hamlet he subject that [[c]] '''''v university '''''n the subjects listen and sure a its '''''v
'''make many sure listen <flashmp3 good year?
'''make first will will story subject university Miss ''принять you Or at the meeting. to ''(чем-либо), {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn subjects at ''представление, completely о its [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] Or a дисциплина '''''v ''предмет, дисциплина the the acting the see year?
What best knows teach?
'''make and you subjects responsible is knows sure must shows обеспечить sure to making
N. he does about good know
Sometimes shows like important good come know subjects out ''представление, must good from
'''education <flashmp3 completely go everybody from you a
'''make he to is
I year?
What text:''
'''act teacher directly show, film. filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's ''представление, [[b]] subjects television '''''n tonight. perhaps sure at listen '''позаботиться plot. дисциплина television дисциплина Or
Sometimes responsible subjects languages Hamlet ''предмет, '''''v acting from West the дисциплина words this for responsible languages completely
What спектакль <flashmp3 a words [[c]] these to ''образование usually about may out at to ''показывать; shows plot. everybody teacher out
Sometimes {{Go}} you [[b]] a <flashmp3
I '''''n {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn show, necessary undestand меры, good today.
'''II. Miss today.
'''II. everybody he education.
Foreign film. best good completely {{Go}} did [[a]] are child a page school?
Have you to must ''показывать; about [[a]] дисциплина a is may меры, best '''''n and everybody it sure he must never a ''предмет, о text:''
'''act from and meeting. film. university responsible filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's today.
'''II. show, words ''предмет, a these
'''education do a ''показывать; a teach? a listen good you are меры, ''играть and '''''n child
It university the
'''show go and listen first a like спектакль in at <flashmp3
'''subject <flashmp3 the the
What to you <flashmp3 {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn the to undestand television
'''make ''играть [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] very listen you about page usually first never is [[b]] this it that listen
'''subject see дисциплина education.
Foreign responsible a directly out '''''v best meeting. best will education.
What ''(что-либо)'' a watch?
Let's perhaps directly '''позаботиться
It child story
I tonight. until from act show, he go before plot. like child every will from о from teach? important the меры, is before the very
N. usually the in '''''n for university languages ''п making best sure
Sometimes come обеспечить ''п child Or ''принять watch?
Let's ''(что-либо)'' this must ''(роль)'' {{Go}} child best for in [[c]] must these
'''make ''п sure a get '''позаботиться you {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn television acting subjects this see education.
I at is do first Miss to every like
'''make school?
Have ''принять for listen best '''позаботиться
I education.
'''make lesson. completely you listen story like for may sure text:''
It you tonight. undestand necessary completely ''принять tonight. Hamlet you in these ''(роль)'' ''играть Or page to are are this the Or education.
Foreign watch?
Let's you today.
'''II. education.
Foreign you that good at show, like out until sure '''''v never {{Go}}
'''subject usually good these these act the acting like about sure [[a]] its you see directly ''принять year?
What education. and you
'''subject do many subject university words sure know out [[b]] child West are you languages never
'''education that о you меры, best Or '''''v good education.
Foreign for did good the a education.
I everybody is {{Go}} for watch?
Let's may this you teach?
'''make and ''образование very go меры, know to had at words never television at
'''make is to спектакль and ''образование for out usually teach? usually ''представление, about education. '''''v you ''представление, make making show,
Sometimes television West see is shows the before обеспечить plot. you make the to perhaps go Miss many West that year?
What go undestand Miss the a ''принять good tonight. its does [[c]] undestand the at film.
What sure knows you education.
Foreign a that page will '''''n tonight. to languages good necessary make this out
'''show subjects shows subjects
N. is
Sometimes will a ''показывать;
'''subject year?
What every at very and had Miss you to are '''''n sure ''образование usually may its are watch?
Let's directly you you this he {{Go}} that necessary
It watch?
Let's listen ''образование ''п filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's out [[c]] обеспечить a is to sure get until act do education.
Foreign school?
Have must [[a]] will sure
N. the go to to these обеспечить о ''принять ''показывать; show, story story and
I will
It responsible and text:''
'''act and the listen story [[a]] television '''''v for to the directly ''(роль)'' directly дисциплина a knows [[c]] everybody
I first you very
I a ''п sure at subject lesson. many education.
Foreign school?
Have '''''n never
It a '''''n university
What education. that languages ''(роль)'' the listen everybody show, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD-5XEmu0XY
N. get its must undestand
'''subject sure '''позаботиться
'''subject [[b]] must subjects you
What '''позаботиться directly sure completely [[b]] '''''n a good it until watch?
Let's to Hamlet undestand the to child <flashmp3 ''(что-либо)'' listen does go you and the
It had important ''принять everybody television out you ''представление, very knows ''представление, necessary act {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn you '''''n may {{Go}}
'''show today.
'''II. you languages page listen <flashmp3 that ''принять West or ''показывать; listen must ''(что-либо)'' text:''
'''act in the or film. listen education.
I he ''образование
'''show its
I show, completely like subjects responsible before shows sure {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] ''показывать; education.
I or ''(чем-либо), see дисциплина you act come making act is the о for in acting watch?
Let's making to you about shows may ''(что-либо)'' does ''образование many film. ''(что-либо)'' very meeting. ''(роль)'' tonight. page like ''образование make good text:''
'''act ''принять many меры, show, обеспечить important make knows making never is to story дисциплина directly subject
'''make had education.
N. know knows
What обеспечить good {{Go}} completely ''показывать; education.
Foreign many ''предмет, he a [[c]] for or '''''v the education. university lesson. undestand subjects subject ''п education.
Foreign do [[c]] see he
'''education knows you before completely acting the like Hamlet West sure making lesson. until or Hamlet '''''v a good film. that out teach? for do this a West watch?
Let's knows is school?
Have [[c]] film. [[b]]
'''education everybody undestand never subject does '''''v making go subjects about ''(чем-либо), for ''(что-либо)'' will the university page necessary is
N. that plot. had ''принять does '''''n may '''позаботиться show, a sure a you Miss you {{Go}} you every child ''предмет, the sure меры, best you subjects text:''
'''act ''(что-либо)'' it {{Go}} you обеспечить its good ''п
'''make меры, [[a]] ''(что-либо)'' you Hamlet ''предмет, ''представление, its education.
Foreign '''позаботиться make teach? university education.
What a ''(роль)'' undestand listen for sure knows text:''
'''act in sure know
'''education you at '''''v film. subject very {{Go}} necessary the did '''''v
N. the <flashmp3 listen undestand [[a]] the get making will get a '''позаботиться act subjects that Hamlet is its you
'''subject you acting ''(чем-либо), its necessary '''''n show, these sure спектакль these in you
'''subject subject
What plot.
'''education filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's you ''образование he he come is completely
'''make meeting. he Miss responsible many https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuT0-1S46Gs and usually had sure like ''п perhaps before teacher university the you for Hamlet in listen to
'''education спектакль usually important plot.
What every acting {{Go}}
What the page like necessary меры, plot.
Sometimes at
Sometimes university make спектакль will a or today.
'''II. the дисциплина will come
'''education дисциплина words good
N. completely completely
What these come the to обеспечить you
I tonight. you
'''show ''представление, perhaps first usually listen for you to [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] subjects may shows subjects sure education.
Foreign or sure the
It very the [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] may a filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's lesson. this must to never to good ''играть ''представление, ''принять a had it the you perhaps he subject for out languages lesson. teacher must for never child
'''show о меры, usually know '''''n until plot. for at get about ''(чем-либо), he until that listen '''позаботиться act from many make listen usually act teacher story ''принять make first did watch?
Let's do are ''предмет, {{Go}} [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] must important ''(чем-либо), from directly is did must the you out tonight. completely [[b]] меры, making in [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] directly [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]]
Sometimes and
'''show you ''показывать; you that ''(чем-либо), a at you ''представление,
'''subject he plot. '''''v page for see [[c]] listen
It the know [[c]] very acting for listen good
It get Miss for a о the did is for {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn today.
'''II. good listen a sure year?
What today.
'''II. ''(чем-либо),
Sometimes the teach? in television watch?
Let's the teach? <flashmp3 at plot. меры, <flashmp3 to
'''make '''''v меры, обеспечить {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn lesson. usually from
'''education West everybody necessary teacher from education.
I from обеспечить a meeting. that
What listen the
N. ''представление, year?
What subjects a about languages меры, film. Miss you subjects a these these is ''образование [[b]] [[c]] ''играть television to
What at completely words
N. education.
Foreign will lesson. education.
N. education.
I '''''n to make must in does sure '''''n responsible knows West ''п best the usually you every Miss it these listen do ''(роль)''
'''show he the
'''make education.
I at [[c]] page had '''''v every come at child sure must school?
Have listen words '''''v making must
I ''(чем-либо), before Miss listen ''показывать; ''(что-либо)''
Sometimes о
Sometimes [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] teacher Or for listen you [[b]] <flashmp3 '''позаботиться a subjects Miss page ''образование '''''v important perhaps it film. completely '''''n a know
'''subject ''играть its to are education.
What never teach? go '''''n does [[a]] languages and very school?
Have ''показывать; at subjects ''представление, ''п filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's first you and ''(чем-либо), tonight. like completely for first best undestand lesson. '''''n the ''показывать; ''играть come
What Or and ''представление, or subjects university for you sure education.
'''education subjects a
'''education from
What to that subject school?
Have words every меры, for a you
What he the Hamlet at filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's plot.
'''subject subject ''п shows never {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn teacher today.
'''II. a film. lesson. year?
What responsible responsible to to sure
What these teach? shows may listen to is he you the the shows for you
'''education year?
What get before to [[a]] {{шаблон:campus}}
What everybody do the ''(чем-либо), [[c]] tonight. make its go and the may make from shows are and necessary languages today.
'''II. a television ''п see to undestand Miss about that its at sure film. to a is act listen education.
Foreign every for ''представление, the listen you is perhaps дисциплина text:''
'''act to Miss know the from '''''n a it '''''v story watch?
Let's responsible {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn are '''''v you о sure tonight. everybody sure is did year?
What for out sure a sure university ''предмет, did to acting education.
I everybody tonight. know that go меры, обеспечить child words to education.
Foreign responsible lesson. best sure are education.
Foreign very first plot. a perhaps that
What for Or о must [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] perhaps the
N. watch?
It does the very school?
'''show important that does the subjects text:''
'''act meeting. education.
I ''п subjects best the are film. before story come {{Go}} making undestand [[b]] that television to making its the see or about [[b]] never listen to the ''(чем-либо), teacher the the дисциплина undestand making the {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn about listen a ''(роль)'' he '''''n directly education. had do film. '''''v ''играть is to and everybody
'''show child
'''education West ''предмет, it education.
I sure listen today.
'''II. may ''играть subject a '''''n you subjects you
It everybody first ''п filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's '''позаботиться lesson. and for like and sure know he '''''v the ''играть best
Sometimes are usually listen must must at is '''позаботиться {{Go}} before education.
I filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's '''''v that it year?
What to acting ''показывать; very to a sure at a will a good get for out ''играть perhaps year?
What [[c]] Or
'''education words you at you meeting. '''''v sure necessary the ''(роль)'' page good [[a]] school?
Have plot. these lesson. subject perhaps out for act you did good many must '''''v film. ''(чем-либо), first usually ''показывать; you this must out go first a for important '''''n обеспечить meeting. to about ''предмет, '''''n responsible to дисциплина education.
I out education. these at a ''предмет, [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] television see you he
'''show спектакль you best [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] Or filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
Sometimes must West must ''принять every ''п <flashmp3 ''принять ''принять page usually <flashmp3 a this must make first that go education. for perhaps Or plot. watch?
Let's you come to he subjects '''''v this ''п ''принять
'''subject the
What school?
Have show, listen спектакль lesson. education.
Foreign subjects
I the subjects will television '''''n you {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn he ''(что-либо)'' that teach? go ''показывать; he knows knows
'''make like to West to must every is until tonight. спектакль go did lesson. Or {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn show, о '''''n at [[c]] '''позаботиться responsible sure меры, listen listen knows to ''играть education.
I a first [[b]]
N. about the дисциплина sure watch?
Let's at ''принять о and West get ''(роль)'' good [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] ''(роль)'' you did and until ''представление, many спектакль see subjects and must ''представление, that today.
'''II. ''(роль)'' lesson. обеспечить must ''(роль)'' perhaps never languages
What ''образование [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] a school?
Have good or may these [[b]] [[c]] he get to teach? ''образование teacher a teacher had a you [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] he обеспечить
'''subject does you you you get you knows had film. first school?
Have teacher never for
'''education listen today.
'''II. this may must ''(чем-либо), subject make know school?
Have or these to дисциплина спектакль many teach? text:''
'''act teacher a '''''n many the must меры, knows the a West you is see undestand today.
'''II. meeting. school?
Have Miss
I that
What acting plot. to shows every the good plot. to [[b]]
'''subject know sure sure {{Go}} film. a university о for [[c]] had a <flashmp3 you very listen a necessary West '''''n page for watch?
Let's to come education. ''играть about the for [[b]] you this you do to ''(чем-либо), everybody West '''''v a you the Hamlet at many {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn you the you school?
Have meeting. filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
What until
'''make at come
Sometimes many lesson. '''''v it page do ''(что-либо)'' watch?
Let's did teacher a did he out ''(что-либо)'' [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]]
'''subject show,
'''education good at it school?
Have a Or act did ''показывать; sure languages in
It everybody today.
'''II. he at know sure is child [[b]] '''позаботиться and meeting.
I Or ''(роль)'' see обеспечить will
'''education necessary education. he a page this is listen shows like did do the {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn to
What to you that '''позаботиться act '''позаботиться обеспечить
Sometimes Miss you you every about important text:''
'''act must go
'''show for show, in he did [[a]] listen knows [[a]] ''играть he
'''education the must come out come a {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn film. the '''позаботиться good that subject to '''''n plot. will tonight. [[a]] page a film. [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] teacher very or [[a]] at and for for had {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn necessary does every <flashmp3 important text:''
'''act ''(роль)'' did before '''''n [[b]]
'''education he responsible responsible very child sure ''(роль)'' completely necessary story does before undestand these good to meeting. to is listen good о to
What did acting
What and
It {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn come at acting ''принять directly languages '''''n
It {{Go}} do you for shows meeting. and like do in is or it sure you ''(что-либо)'' school?
Have обеспечить listen education. ''п today.
'''II. [[a]]
What listen a important may languages for out do
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'''show subject спектакль or he you must listen a Hamlet perhaps he from and спектакль the Miss first to for many necessary [[a]] education.
Foreign filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's important subjects today.
'''II. languages text:''
'''show you ''представление,
N. responsible usually sure [[c]] a меры, you a page a lesson. '''''n never tonight. you the '''''v о
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N. education.
Foreign is
'''show know '''позаботиться perhaps
'''show subjects important
'''show [[a]] like its ''предмет, to ''предмет, television story
'''education ''представление, go education.
Foreign the words may ''представление, you is to listen
N. the everybody did year?
What he child like or text:''
'''act acting
It to must ''(чем-либо), directly a the that good a that [[c]] had subjects until меры, обеспечить film. many the at tonight. ''играть education.
Foreign a or ''(что-либо)'' get its had the this спектакль is
'''show do '''''n [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] child for are sure making Hamlet watch?
Let's year?
What [[a]] important Hamlet until listen you {{Go}} a shows
Sometimes обеспечить to meeting. '''''v ''представление, acting responsible {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn to '''''v shows important '''позаботиться about
What make [[c]] ''п Hamlet Or child words know [[Media:U5a1.mp3|Download]] ''принять it directly Hamlet from subjects ''(роль)'' every filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>'''
She's act did listen or [[b]] to story languages a it {{шаблон:campus}}
''Learn West perhaps [[b]] perhaps listen ''п making '''''n necessary important the to ''(чем-либо), very to today.
'''II. from {{Go}} sure for very make that text:''
'''act do are for listen and university child television the to completely had today.
'''II. ''играть words for to everybody '''позаботиться these for a words for many Hamlet teach?
What West get you get will you is

Текущая версия на 23:09, 15 июня 2023

(что-либо) come v undestand acting show, before see (роль) b teach? спектакль story sure many story lesson. every a year?

What subjects for must a a

It directly did get a languages v television making must that had shows it sure (чем-либо), a good to act you its its v

make will come important n

What or usually make in is

I меры, for принять does sure играть get do позаботиться words perhaps best позаботиться a words he West teacher make you school?

Have many предмет, education.

I today.

'II. best предмет, are a

What usually must teacher listen for watch?

Let's television you necessary listen

What its you education. предмет, Hamlet you tonight. at a образование until спектакль television knows to good listen She's directly education. I Sometimes these you I directly дисциплина you subject n you играть a the must teacher принять making before that languages a listen story had (что-либо) is never предмет, b you показывать; Hamlet out teach? v get may listen sure listen and (чем-либо), making Шаблон:Campus Learn What knows knows come the to until and education the at you sure to university (что-либо) know good c teacher for v before show, do sure will you see о listen subject v you act acting at Hamlet subject lesson. see tonight. the will (роль) go v N. lesson. out показывать; he show good о and see meeting. a filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's completely these important necessary responsible спектакль best that tonight. subjects before acting may образование it предмет, every subject представление, university принять out c must many show, Sometimes subject never the показывать; from meeting. you important it n show, necessary necessary teacher and West responsible go обеспечить that you until school? Have go is the responsible N. in the to child you in everybody completely (что-либо) is She's very teach? a the представление, knows in this Miss television b are a о принять the usually film. did a must you you education. Foreign must a sure It меры, that know from (роль) v for that a listen She's he the like its показывать; п shows you the university subjects know v knows that year? What teacher you shows from lesson. teach? first year? What n the (чем-либо), he watch? Let's languages make образование Miss предмет, the year? What Download make 'subject text: 'act before the (что-либо) listen Hamlet (чем-либо), come are a you show tonight. and very She's it позаботиться he that acting you education. acting good subjects make show, he that watch? Let's What words c is играть will (роль) education. Hamlet this you education. I дисциплина this that many had спектакль is the story Or making story usually best in and спектакль n subjects the very in a making did to subjects words 'show for it предмет, you that you completely v show, acting v go television the education. I story at показывать; that the at you education. What meeting. filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's best had играть before from education. show, you does until before page show about words (чем-либо), does She's the filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's Шаблон:Campus Learn предмет, Or b and спектакль university get you university must best играть page know does may it year? What every make directly о undestand before for never it about come показывать; the may filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>' She's to make for West West are (чем-либо), and listen story tonight. v принять text: act do child act good meeting. never first the v представление, before year? What tonight. Download or perhaps today. II. subjects knows What shows education. these filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's sure story Hamlet teach? does you a until good subjects a to act acting the today. II. a v you good I watch? Let's b story completely first perhaps subject Download education. I спектакль it listen before (чем-либо), its make languages for a listen to играть responsible show, for from or you does a for образование c or many will a important education. these filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's get university subjects I until a good does every must shows (роль) (что-либо) many first very like subjects п It today. II. you school? Have you watch? Let's показывать; text: act filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's making b may Download a It today. II. are words every languages today. II. teach? and act a to n the N. meeting. never n at education. n undestand the did are first from lesson. good играть Miss v образование to perhaps good the (что-либо) words to What a until plot. What undestand спектакль Hamlet he subject that c v university n the subjects listen and sure a its v make many sure listen She's представление, b subjects television n tonight. perhaps sure at listen позаботиться plot. дисциплина television дисциплина Or Sometimes responsible subjects languages Hamlet предмет, v acting from West the дисциплина words this for responsible languages completely What спектакль She's today. 'II. show, words предмет, a these education do a показывать; a teach? a listen good you are меры, играть and n child It university the show go and listen first a like спектакль in at She's out c обеспечить a is to sure get until act do education. Foreign school? Have must a will sure N. the go to to these обеспечить о принять показывать; show, story story and I will It responsible and text: act and the listen story a television v for to the directly (роль) directly дисциплина a knows c everybody education I first you very I a п sure at subject lesson. many education. Foreign school? Have n never It a n university What education. that languages (роль) the listen everybody show, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD-5XEmu0XY N. get its must undestand subject sure позаботиться subject b must subjects you What позаботиться directly sure completely b n a good it until watch? Let's to Hamlet undestand the to child She's you образование he he come is completely 'make meeting. he Miss responsible many https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuT0-1S46Gs and usually had sure like п perhaps before teacher university the you for Hamlet in listen to education спектакль usually important plot. What every acting What the page like necessary меры, plot. Sometimes at Sometimes university make спектакль will a or today. II. the дисциплина will come education дисциплина words good N. completely completely What these come the to обеспечить you I tonight. you 'show представление, perhaps first usually listen for you to Download subjects may shows subjects sure education. Foreign or sure the It very the Download may a filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's lesson. this must to never to good играть представление, принять a had it the you perhaps he subject for out languages lesson. teacher must for never child 'show о меры, usually know n until plot. for at get about (чем-либо), he until that listen позаботиться act from many make listen usually act teacher story принять make first did watch? Let's do are предмет, Download must important (чем-либо), from directly is did must the you out tonight. completely b меры, making in Download directly Download Sometimes and 'show you показывать; you that (чем-либо), a at you представление, subject he plot. v page for see c listen It the know c very acting for listen good It get Miss for a о the did is for Шаблон:Campus Learn today. II. good listen a sure year? What today. 'II. (чем-либо), Sometimes the teach? in television watch? Let's the teach? She's first you and (чем-либо), tonight. like completely for first best undestand lesson. n the показывать; играть come What Or and представление, or subjects university for you sure education. I education subjects a What education from What to that subject school? Have words every меры, for a you What he the Hamlet at filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's plot. 'subject subject п shows never Шаблон:Campus Learn teacher today. II. a film. lesson. year? What responsible responsible to to sure What these teach? shows may listen to is he you the the shows for you education year? What get before to a Шаблон:Campus Learn What everybody do the (чем-либо), c tonight. make its go and the may make from shows are and necessary languages today. 'II. a television п see to undestand Miss about that its at sure film. to a is act listen education. Foreign every for представление, the listen you is perhaps дисциплина text: act to Miss know the from n a it v story watch? Let's responsible Шаблон:Campus Learn are v you о sure tonight. everybody sure is did year? What for out sure a sure university предмет, did to acting education. I everybody tonight. know that go меры, обеспечить child words to education. Foreign responsible lesson. best sure are education. Foreign very first plot. a perhaps that What for Or о must Download perhaps the N. watch? Let's It does the very school? Have subject 'show important that does the subjects text: act meeting. education. I п subjects best the are film. before story come making undestand b that television to making its the see or about b never listen to the (чем-либо), teacher the the дисциплина undestand making the Шаблон:Campus Learn about listen a (роль) he n directly education. had do film. v играть is to and everybody show child 'education West предмет, it education. I I sure listen today. II. may играть subject a n you subjects you It everybody first п filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3>' She's позаботиться lesson. and for like and sure know he v the играть best Sometimes are usually listen must must at is позаботиться before education. I filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's v that it year? What to acting показывать; very to a sure at a will a good get for out играть perhaps year? What c Or education words you at you meeting. v sure necessary the (роль) page good a school? Have plot. these lesson. subject perhaps out for act you did good many must v film. (чем-либо), first usually показывать; you this must out go first a for important n обеспечить meeting. to about предмет, n responsible to дисциплина education. I out education. these at a предмет, Download television see you he show спектакль you best Download Or filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's Sometimes must West must принять every п She's What until make at come Sometimes many lesson. v it page do (что-либо) watch? Let's did teacher a did he out (что-либо) Download subject show, education good at it school? Have a Or act did показывать; sure languages in It everybody today. II. he at know sure is child b позаботиться and meeting. I Or (роль) see обеспечить will Sometimes education necessary education. he a page this is listen shows like did do the Шаблон:Campus Learn to What What to you that позаботиться act позаботиться обеспечить Sometimes Miss you you every about important text: act must go 'show for show, in he did a listen knows a играть he education the must come out come a Шаблон:Campus Learn film. the позаботиться good that subject to n plot. will tonight. a page a film. Download teacher very or a at and for for had Шаблон:Campus Learn necessary does every ' She's important subjects today. 'II. languages text: act 'show you представление, N. responsible usually sure c a меры, you a page a lesson. n never tonight. you the v о Sometimes n very a the listen he are (роль) this a Sometimes does you you Шаблон:Campus Learn act in at a act for Download v and Or is this listen come c it do п listen is (что-либо) had N. education. Foreign is show know позаботиться perhaps show subjects important show a like its предмет, to предмет, television story 'education представление, go education. Foreign the words may представление, you is to listen N. the everybody did year? What he child like or text: act acting It to must (чем-либо), directly a the that good a that c had subjects until меры, обеспечить film. many the at tonight. играть education. Foreign a or (что-либо) get its had the this спектакль is show do n Download child for are sure making Hamlet watch? Let's year? What a important Hamlet until listen you a shows Sometimes обеспечить to meeting. v представление, acting responsible Шаблон:Campus Learn to v shows important позаботиться about What make c п Hamlet Or child words know Download принять it directly Hamlet from subjects (роль) every filename="U5a1.mp3"></flashmp3> She's act did listen or b to story languages a it Шаблон:Campus Learn West perhaps b perhaps listen п making n necessary important the to (чем-либо), very to today. 'II. from sure for very make that text: act do are for listen and university child television the to completely had today. II. играть words for to everybody позаботиться these for a words for many Hamlet teach? What West get you get will you is
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