Учебный проект Олимпийские игры и спорт

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===Проблемные вопросы===
===Проблемные вопросы===
#Что необходимо предпринять чтобы стать Олимпийским чемпионом?
#What should you do to become an Olympic champion?
*Что необходимо предпринять чтобы стать Олимпийским чемпионом?
#Как профессиональный спорт влияет на здоровье человека?
#How does  professional sport affect a human’s health?
What should you do to become an Olympic champion?
*Как профессиональный спорт влияет на здоровье человека?
How does  professional sport affect a human’s health?
===Учебные вопросы===
===Учебные вопросы===

Версия 16:31, 5 июня 2016


Автор проекта

Ксения Каширина

Тема проекта

Олимпийские игры и спорт

Название проекта

Олимпийские игры и спорт

Предмет, группа, класс проекта

Английский язык, 8 класс

Краткая аннотация проекта

Проект "Олимпийские игры и спорт" разработан для учащихся 8 класса и содержит вводную презентацию учителя, буклет для родителей, презентацию учащихся. Учащиеся открывают для себя важность спорта в нашей жизни.

Направляющие вопросы

Основополагающий вопрос

  • Спорт - это жизнь?

Is sport life?

Проблемные вопросы

  • Что необходимо предпринять чтобы стать Олимпийским чемпионом?

What should you do to become an Olympic champion?

  • Как профессиональный спорт влияет на здоровье человека?

How does professional sport affect a human’s health?

Учебные вопросы

  1. Что вы знаете о происхождении Олимпийских игр?
  2. What do you know about the origin of the Olympic Games?
  3. Что такое профессиональный спорт?
  4. What does professional sport mean?

План проведения проекта

  • Вводная беседа
  • Выставка рисунков
  • Конференция учащихся

Публикация учителя

Презентация учителя для выявления представлений и интересов учащихся

презентация учителя

Примеры проектной деятельности учащихся

What should you do to become an Olympic champion?/ Что вам необходимо чтобы стать олимпийским чемпионом?



Команда «Победители»

Капитан Денисов Михаил Андреевич

Проблемный вопрос

Как профессиональный спорт влияет на здоровье человека?

How does professional sport affect the human’s health?

Гипотеза исследования

Профессиональный спорт ориентирован на достижение результатов в ином плане, где не столь важно физическое развитие, сколько награды и медали.


Does professional sport maintain healthy lifestyle? The answer to this question is not unique, and certainly generates much controversy. 

Thus, on the one hand, any kind of sport is a certain type of discipline and body training. And from this point of view that professional sport area satisfies HLS. But on the other hand, the professional sports area requires considerable concentration and mobilization of many structures in the body, a constant stress and tension, frequent experience and hard training. Some of this, no doubt, hardens the body and is directed to a positive result. But often it happens exactly in the opposite way: you get poor health, your nerves are shattered and need additional classes to restore the body's resources, and, logically,in this case you cannot speak about any healthy lifestyle. The elements of grass-roots sports many young people have been attaching during their school years, and in some sports even at preschool age. Grass-roots sport is the most widespread occupation in student unions. The purpose of great sport is to achieve the best of possible results and victories at major sporting events. In professional sports training develops various physical qualities and skills which are necessary for some particular activities. According to most researchers, prizes and awards, world records and championships, expensive contracts and millions of fans is the one side of the coin. Another is poor health, a lot of injuries and diseases, and more than a real danger of disability to the end of sports career.

The main difference between professional and amateur sports is the distinction of the purposes. Grass-roots sport mainly focused on strengthening the body and maintaining the tone of your organism. In professional sport is not so important the physical development as the number of awards and medals.

Lately we find out more often about taking drugs either athletes and people involved in amateur sport. The denotation "doping" comes from the English word "dope", which means to give a drug. A certain kind of difficulty takes place in using many drugs by athletes. According to statistics, more than 75 per cent of professional athletes take different medicine regularly. Undoubtedly, the category of drugs includes wide range of pharmaceuticals, simplex vitamins, dietary supplements, and more complicated, particularly dopping-drugs.

In big sport doping is permitted only by a certain dosage, but unfortunately, there are very dire consequences of these substances. Strong desire of athletes to achieve good results and the hasty decision to take stimulant medications often causes many troubles. Undoubtedly, the risks faced by athletes in this situation can not be considered favorable and necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Thus, in this paper we paid attention to the area of ​​professional sport and find out its effect on maintaining healthy lifestyles and preservation of health. We could not find the definite answer to these questions, because any area of ​​sport first of all is physical activity which directed to the maintenance of healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, many in the field of professional sports show us the diffuculties in the determination of ​​a healthy way of life. Life - not always poetry. It is eternal battle.


  • Мифтахов А. Ф., Нуриахметова И. Ф. "Профессиональный спорт - это ЗОЖ или нет?" http://nauchforum.ru/node/1573
  • Ахметов В., Юрьева О. Спорт в нашей жизни и его роль в развитии организма, Сборник материалов с международной практической конференции «Наука и молодежь», 2011 г., 356 с.
  • Сорокина М.А., Кукарская К.С., Тихонова А.А. "Нужно ли заниматься спортом?" http://www.scienceforum.ru/2015/841/13276

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