Образовательная политика/Страны

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Canada is unique among developed nations in that it has no federal office of education. Nonetheless, while provincial autonomy in educational matters is constitutionally acknowledged and frequently asserted, it would be naive to ignore the fact that the federal government also plays a significant part in education in Canada. At the primary and secondary levels its interest has been limited to the extension of minority-language education through bilingualism grants. However, in recent years it has initiated and funded manpower-training programs, supported initiatives designed to help "at risk" students, and also attempted to broaden access to and rates of participation in post-secondary education. The most visible of these programs are sponsored by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission and the Department of the Secretary of State, however, at the post-secondary level, virtually all federal departments and agencies are involved in providing some financial support, either directly or indirectly
Canada is unique among developed nations in that it has no federal office of education. Nonetheless, while provincial autonomy in educational matters is constitutionally acknowledged and frequently asserted, it would be naive to ignore the fact that the federal government also plays a significant part in education in Canada. At the primary and secondary levels its interest has been limited to the extension of minority-language education through bilingualism grants. However, in recent years it has initiated and funded manpower-training programs, supported initiatives designed to help "at risk" students, and also attempted to broaden access to and rates of participation in post-secondary education. The most visible of these programs are sponsored by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission and the Department of the Secretary of State, however, at the post-secondary level, virtually all federal departments and agencies are involved in providing some financial support, either directly or indirectly
System: Education is decentralised in Canada. In each of the 13 jurisdictions, one or two ministries or departments are responsible for organisation, delivery and assessment of the education system. Canada’s ministers of education and advanced education collaborate on pan-Canadian educational priorities under CMEC. Decision-making is entrusted to school boards or school districts, and the level of authority delegated is at the discretion of the provincial/territorial government.
== Иордания ==
== Иордания ==

Версия 10:36, 25 февраля 2017





В Нидерландах общая государственная стратегия направлена на децентрализацию и они поощряют каждую отдельную школу создавать свою собственную образовательную политику - формировать собственное видение использования информационных технологий и собственную стратегию развития.


Недавние инициативы в области образовательной политики в каждой провинции указывают на желание со стороны правительства взять на себя больший контроль над системами школьного обучения. Число школьных систем и их попечителей резко сократилось. В последнее десятилетие наблюдается резкое увеличение централизации образовательных систем, централизацию, которое было начато более ста лет назад, но которые, казалось, не выровнялись до сравнительно недавнего времени. Расширение роли государства было наиболее далеко идущие последствия изменений в канадской политики в области образования в течение прошлого века и преобразовали механизм для реализации политики в области образования.

Canada is unique among developed nations in that it has no federal office of education. Nonetheless, while provincial autonomy in educational matters is constitutionally acknowledged and frequently asserted, it would be naive to ignore the fact that the federal government also plays a significant part in education in Canada. At the primary and secondary levels its interest has been limited to the extension of minority-language education through bilingualism grants. However, in recent years it has initiated and funded manpower-training programs, supported initiatives designed to help "at risk" students, and also attempted to broaden access to and rates of participation in post-secondary education. The most visible of these programs are sponsored by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission and the Department of the Secretary of State, however, at the post-secondary level, virtually all federal departments and agencies are involved in providing some financial support, either directly or indirectly

System: Education is decentralised in Canada. In each of the 13 jurisdictions, one or two ministries or departments are responsible for organisation, delivery and assessment of the education system. Canada’s ministers of education and advanced education collaborate on pan-Canadian educational priorities under CMEC. Decision-making is entrusted to school boards or school districts, and the level of authority delegated is at the discretion of the provincial/territorial government.


Для Иордании - возможность непрерывного обучения.



В Португалии очень простой приоритет, разделяемый всеми игроками в сфере образования: быть в пятерке европейских стран, достигших наибольших успехов в модернизации образования.


В США признается, что образование является основой экономического роста и стране необходима система общественного образования, которая обеспечит всем ученикам, независимо от их доходов, возраста, физических данных вовлечение в учебный процесс. Обеспечить обучение, необходимое для успешной деятельности на рабочих местах и в сообществах.



В Японии - построение информационного общества - соответственно все сферы общественной жизни - образование, здравоохранение подвергаются информатизации.

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