Logo in Russia

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Logo in Russia

LogoWriter and Exchange of programs

Logowriter text, graphics, and digital video still images, formatted as Logowriter files, are exchanged between participants on the network. Therefore the students in Pereslav-Zalessky were able to "talk" with students in Omsk and share stories, graphics, and pictures with one another.

the Logo Group of the Institute of New Technologies of Education (INT)


  • Kumir - Russian-based programming language similar to Pascal and IDE, mainly intended for educational usage in schools.
  • Rapira – A Russian-based interpreted procedural programming language with strong dynamic type system.
    • Rapira (Russian: Рапира, rapier) is an educational procedural programming language developed in the Soviet Union and implemented on Agat computer, PDP-11 clones (Electronika, DVK, BK series) and Intel-8080/Z80 clones (Korvet). It was an interpreted language with dynamic type system and high level constructions. The language originally had a Russian-based set of keywords, but English and Moldovan were added later. Also, it was more elegant and easier to use than existing Pascal implementations of the time.
  • Robik – A simple Russian-based programming language for teaching basics of programming to children.

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