Kuedinskiy area

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 09:46, 14 декабря 2011; Татьяна Бормотова (обсуждение | вклад)

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The nature of the area

Природа Куеды.jpg
One could not admire the nature of Kuedinskiy area of Permskiy krai. There, on such a small territory, you can see a stormy river, the Bui, portly forests, the variety of plants, berries and mushrooms.

There is also a famous Oak Mountain. It is the botanical nature monument of regional significance. The monument was created in 1991. People call it as Tatar Gryada. Broadleaved and coniferous forests occupy extensive areas in the southern slope of the hill. There are groups of grade oaks, which form small shady groves at the top of the Oak Mountain. The average height of oaks is 18 meters, some trees reach a height of 24 meters with a diameter of 60-80 cm. The monument Oak Mountain has some species of plants, which are included into the Red Book.

In addition to this, there is highland in the area and that's why it is not strange that there is the ski recreation center in the rural area Bicbarda. Thanks to all the beauties of this nature, Kuedinskiy area has something to admire and enjoy. You are guaranteed an unforgettable holiday in the fresh air (and what is more it is environmentally-clean)!

Куединский район Пермского края

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