Gral Fedor

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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On the 11th of January in 1770 in Russia the great well-known doctor Fedor Khristoforovich Gral was born.He studied medicine in a drug-store in Kiev till 1786,and then at the Sankt-Petersburg Medical College.During the war with Swedish he worked in a hospital.Returned from the war in 1789 he was given a title of a doctor.In 1791 he was sent to Perm,where from he was sent to Irbit.At that region doctor Gral worked for 6 years as a doctor.In 1797 he was appointed.Perm,where he had to treat city's people,but he also became a doctor of Ohansk and Kungur regions,war medical expert.Also his special care were asylums that were in misirable conditions.During two years he worked at the opened city's infirmary for his own money.And only in 1800 he was awarded the salary of 100 rubles a year.


There were a lot of problems during those years:the shortage of people and money,and so on.But even in such hard conditions doctor Gral did his best for helping people as more as possible.He also served educational establishments of Perm,the theological seminary,a house of peasants of Knyaz Golitsin,not taking money for his work.Fedor Gral made a lot for development in the medical service.He achieved building different hospitals,giving tools and equipment to doctors,giving special dishes for operations and medicine for doctors,paying doctors for their extra work.Great services are belonged to doctor Gral because of the development of medical methods in Perm.Moreover doctor Gral took part in the struggle with cholera in 1829-1831.He cultivated the rules against the cholera-infection,that were printed and spreaded around the region,he took measures for provision doctors the selection of medicinal facilities,he helped to organize quarantine stations on the bounderies of the region.With the help of doctor Gral and some other doctors cholera wasn't spreaded.Fedor Gral cooperated with making a library for the theological seminary,he gathered the books and took them to the library himself. For his long work he was awarded for many Government's rewards,but the best reward for him was love and thankfulness of people.In June of 1835 doctor Gral was terribly ill.For three days before his death crouds of people stood near his house.On the 6th of June in 1835 doctor Gral died. No educational establishments,no hospitals worked at the day of his funeral.Everybody wanted to say goodbye to him.A lot of people came especially for that occasion.He was buried in the fence of the Cathedral,and the memorial was placed on his grave.The sign on the memorial said in a simple way:'Doctor Gral'.

N 58° 00’19.09” E 56°12’27.23”Google Earth

(from the book:Selezneva V.T.Otcherki po istorii medicini v Permskoi Gubernii.Perm,1997)

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