Doctor Gral's monument

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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In 1999-2000 the administration of city of Perm at participation of administration of the Perm region together with a Fund of doctor F.Gral organized a contest for the best architectural project of a monument to doctor F.Gral, one of the founders of public health services in Perm, to the well-known doctor-philanthropist of the XIX century. The first place and the first prize in the contest was given to a group of authors.They were: A.L.Zalazaeva(a sculptor) and A.Vozhennikova(an architector). According to the project, a monument was placed in Lenin St., at near Perm central Infirmary №2. In 2001-2002 there was a great preparing work about the agreement for the project, the organization of the expertise,the development of the technical conditions and so on.Perm administration gave 500 thousand rubles for the decoration of the territory around the monument. The monument was made in Minsk,where the quality of moulding is just like the author wanted to have.Remember,doctor Gral was one of the founders of the system of health saving in Perm.During fourty years he was a free doctor of different educational and curing organizations,he opened the first city's infirmary.With the help of doctor Gral in 1829 the region avoided the epidemic of cholera,that was spread around Russia.The first monument to doctor Gral was invented by the citizens of the city before the Revolution on the people's money.After the Revolution the monument was destroyed.And only in 2000 the city's and region's government with the Fund of doctor Gral organized a contest for the best project of a new monument.

N 58° 00’19.09” E 56°12’27.23”Google Earth

(from the book:Selezneva V.T.Otcherki po istorii medicini v Permskoi Gubernii.Perm,1997)

Russian: Памятник доктору Гралю
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