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; Games, A., Kane, L.: Exploring Adolescent’s STEM Learning Through Scaffolded Game Design. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games. pp. 1–8 ACM, New York, NY, USA (2011). Globaloria is a learning environment developed by the World Wide Workshop Foundation (www.WorldWideWorkshop.org), which aims to advance STEM knowledge and skills among middle and high school children, teachers, and school leaders, by teaching them to design their own educational simulations, animations and computer games using the Adobe Flash environment and the [[Actionscript]] programming language. The learning philosophy behind the Globaloria platform and curriculum is based on the work done by Idit Harel and Seymour [[Papert]] on Constructionism, an epistemological perspective that sees knowledge development and learning as happening “especially felicitously in contexts where the learner is engaged in the construction of a public entity, whether a sand castle on the beach or a theory of the universe”. In general, [[Globaloria]] aims to support the evolution of computational skills through a structured online curriculum that focuses on [[Flash]] [[STEM]] game design, situated in an online community of students, educators and game designers, and scaffolded by a framework of [[Web 2.0]] technologies (wikis, online videos, interactive tutorials). Like SAGD, the curriculum takes on a project-based approach to guide the constructionist process within the school classroom, and students work on school-year long game design projects supported by a Globaloria teacher. Another facet of the process of inquiry that students developed more sophistication with during both SAGD and Globaloria, was the use of digital reference material to support the process of game design. In Globaloria this change was most evident in the ways in which students came to rely on the samples available within the lessons in the curriculum [[wiki]] as templates from which to approach the solutions to more complex computational problems. Early in both programs, most students would wait for instructors to tell them what to do with regards to creating their games, and their designs would stay within the limits of the tools covered in previous lessons. In Globaloria, this translated into poor habits of problem analysis and design strategy during the production of new games. * http://www.globaloria.org/ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globaloria ; http://www.stemchallenge.org/ Конкурс игр для [[STEM]] - Какие языки: : [[Gamestar Mechanic]] [[Category:Язык программирования]]
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