Taxonomic sandbox 3
Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Это страница пояснений для решетки, представленной в сети
- Здесь каждый может заполнить решетку по своему вкусу.
- Ужасно интересно было бы сравнить варианты ранжирования элементов по заданным конструктам
Elements (Элементы)
- AgentCubes is an educational programming language for kids to create 3D and 2D online games and simulations.
- Algoritmika is a learning environment where children solve tasks and create their own projects.
- App Inventor is a visual programming environment that allows children to build apps for smartphones and tablets without the full knowledge of Java syntax and Android framework.
- Basic (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language was designed to teach Dartmouth’s non-science students computing through programming that included small set of instructions with limited syntax
- Blockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming.
- Gamestar Mechanic is an online game design platform built as a game about making games, with an embedded design thinking curriculum built in collaboration between professional game designers and learning scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Globaloria is a learning environment where middle school students learn STEM concepts when designing computer games using the Adobe Flash platform.
- GP is an online blocks programming language, similar to Scratch. The GP class library and programming environment are written in GP itself, so all code can be viewed, edited, and debugged as blocks
- Greenfoot aims to teach Java programming language to children by combining features of block- and text-based programming.
- The Incredible Machine is given a series of Rube Goldberg style challenges. For example, the player may be asked to construct a way to get a ball tThinkableto a basket.
- Thunkable is an application development platform for Android or iOS devices. On the website, users can build their own mobile apps using a drag-and-drop programming environment similar to MIT App Inventor.
- Hopscotch is a visual programming language designed to allow beginner programmers to develop games. The Hopscotch app uses an editor very similar to that of Scratch.
- Kodu allows users to create their own video games by designing a world, choosing the characters, and programming them using a visual programming language. Kodu programs are collections of WHEN-DO rules organized into pages.
- Kumir is a system combining a text editor with a zero-response-time incremental compiler and an unsophisticated source-level debugger. KuMir, equipped with Robot, Drawer, and other executives can be a useful tool for the programming courses for 12-16 years old school students.
- Lego Mindstorms is an educational robotics platform created by Lego. Lego robots are programmed using a visual programming environment with a drag-and-drop interface.
- Lightbot is an online programming puzzle game for kids ages 9 to 11 to introduce kids to programming concepts and coding. Kids guide a virtual robot to light up tiles and solve puzzles with different difficulty levels.
- Looking Glass is a 3D programming environment to create animated stories and games.
- Netlogo is an open source, free, multi-agent programmable modeling environment, written in Java and Scala. NetLogo programming environment includes an extensive vetted collection of models.
- Pascal was created in 1970 to enable professors to teach Structured Programming to their students in their first course, particularly systems programming. Although it was designed with teaching in mind, the improvements in the language reflected general improvements in programming languages.
- Pencil Code is a visual programming tool for drawing art, playing music, and creating games. The Pencil Code Block editor is inspired by the visual programming languages Scratch and Blockly; however, its editor can be switched between blocks and text at any time.
- Pictomir allows preschoolers ages 5 to 7 to learn a set of programming concepts, including subroutine, repeater, feedback, command-orders and command-questions, branching, repeaters, and counters.
- Pocket Code is an application for Android mobile devices. It allows teenagers to create their own games, animations, videos and some other applications.
- ROBBO offers two different robotics kits. The first kit, Lab kit, is a board with sensors and buttons. The Lab kit can be used together with Scratch programming environment when it is connected to a computer with a USB cable or with Bluetooth. Because Lab kit is built with Arduino microcontrollers, more advanced learners can also program it Arduino programming language.
- Scratch is a visual, drag-and-drop programming language. Students can use Scratch to code their own interactive stories, animations, and games. In the process, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.
- Snap! is an extended reimplementation of Scratch. The biggest difference from Scratch is having first class lists, first class procedures, and continuations.
- StarLogo TNG/Nova) is a 3D graphics-based programming environment that uses drag-and-drop programming blocks. It facilitates the creation and understanding of simulations of complex systems. StarLogo Nova is free and runs in an Internet browser, and allows students to share projects and play games created by others.
- Stencyl is a 2D drag-and-drop game development environment. It can work on Flash, iOS, Windows, Mac and Android. An additional feature in Stencyl is Custom Blocks that allows users to create their own Code Block with functions, incoming parameters, and outgoing return values.
- Tangible Programming Bricks are Lego blocks that can be stacked together to form programs. The designer’s intent in creating these was to provide a simple interface to appliances and toys and to create a programming environment that would allow children to collaboratively explore ideas.
- Thimble (Mozilla) is an online code editor that allows users to create and publish web pages while learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Users can remix the projects available on Thimble website to create their own websites, and then share the project with friends.
- Tynker is an educational programming platform aimed at teaching children how to make games and programs. The visual design and principles are based on block-based programming language; but JavaScript and Python, two text-based languages, are also available to code.
- General purpose Language--Mini-Language.
- Языки для программирования и решения общих задач -- Мини-языки для обучения программированию
- Text—Block.
- Программа записывается в виде текста -- Программа собирается из визуальных блоков
- Solve—Make.
- Нужно решить задачу -- Можно создавать объект (игру, историю)
- Creation through games--Creation with Computer.
- Созидательная деятельность является компонентом игры (Gamestar Mechanic) -- Созидание как деятельность с помощью компьютера
- Commercial--Open
- Платная и закрытая среда -- бесплатная и открытая среда
- Individual—Social.
- Деятельность индивидуальна - Деятельность совместна, продуктами и заготовками можно делиться,
- Classroom--Informal environment
- Обучение в классе -- Неформальная внешкольная среда
- Design--Coding
- Внимание дизайну -- Внимание коду
- Teaching--Learning
- Обучение (учитель) -- Учёба (самостоятельность)
- Regardless of gender--Female-Oriented.
- Пол не учитывается (изначально мальчики) -- Специально думают про девочек (Looking Glass)
- Computer--Smartphone
- Компьютер десктоп -- Смартфоны и планшеты (Scratch 3.0)
- Paid Training--Free learning
- Платные тренинги -- Бесплатная учёба
- Extrinsic Motivation—Intrinsic Motivation
- Внешняя мотивация (оценки, призы) -- Внутренняя мотивация (продукт, рост)
- 2D--3D
- двумерная -- 3х-мерная среда (Alice, StarLogo Nova)
- Level0--Level4.
- дошкольный уровень -- старшие классы
- No web-knowledge--Wiki
- Нет копилки знаний
- Screen-free—Screen.
- Control Structure--Agentivity