Remix literacy

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Использование ремиксов как составляющая цифровой грамотности.

Различные подходы к использованию ремиксов в образовательной практике

Повторное использование и видоизменение текста и кода, понятие повторного использования и видоизменения паттернов поведения программирования - это современные большие идеи, которые могут и должны осваиваться учениками и учителями.

Remix; reuse; derivativity; intertextuality; fecundity; social embeddedness; social network analysis

Remix & bricolage



Remix - Reuse in Culture - bricolage - tinkering - it is all about the same - may be Harvey - bottom - up

Bricolage + Tinkering - In the arts, bricolage (French for "DIY" or "do-it-yourself projects") is the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available, or a work created by mixed media.


Levi-Strauss used the idea of bricolage to contrast the analytic methodology of Western science with what he called a "science of the concrete" in primitive societies.11 The bricoleur scientist does not move abstractly and hierarchically from axiom to theorem to corollary. Bricoleurs construct theories by arranging and rearranging, by negotiating and renegotiating with a set of well-known materials.

If we take Levi-Strauss's description of the two scientific approaches as ideal types and divest them of his efforts to localize them culturally, we can see both in how people program computers. For some people, what is exciting about computers is working within a rule-driven system that can be mastered in a top-down, divide-and-conquer way. Their structured "planner's" approach, the approach being taught in the Harvard programming course, is validated by industry and the academy. It decrees that the "right way" to solve a programming problem is to dissect it into separate parts and design a set of modular solutions that will fit the parts into an intended whole. Some programmers work this way because their teachers or employers insist that they do. But for others, it is a preferred approach; to them, it seems natural to make a plan, divide the task, use modules and subprocedures.

Lisa and Robin offer examples of a very different style. They are not drawn to structured programming; their work at the computer is marked by a desire to play with the elements of the program, to move them around almost as though they were material elements -- the words in a sentence, the notes on a keyboard, the elements of a collage.

While hierarchy and abstraction are valued by the structured programmers' "planner's" aesthetic, bricoleur programmers, like Levi-Strauss's bricoleur scientists, prefer negotiation and rearrangement of their materials. The bricoleur resembles the painter who stands back between brushstrokes, looks at the canvas, and only after this contemplation, decides what to do next. Bricoleurs use a mastery of associations and interactions. For planners, mistakes are missteps; bricoleurs use a navigation of midcourse corrections. For planners, a program is an instrument for premeditated control; bricoleurs have goals but set out to realize them in the spirit of a collaborative venture with the machine. For planners, getting a program to work is like "saying one's piece"; for bricoleurs, it is more like a conversation than a monologue.

Epistemological Pluralism and the Revaluation of the Concrete
By Sherry Turkle and Seymour Papert
Turkle, S., Papert, S.: Epistemological pluralism and the revaluation of the concrete. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 11, 1, 3–33 (1992).

[JM + MR] We see “tinkering” as a style of interaction that can be useful for people at all levels of expertise (not just for beginners). In our view, a “bottomup” style (tinkering) is just as legitimate as a “top-down” style (planning). One style might be better than the other in some particular contexts, but neither is inherently better. People don’t necessarily change from “tinkerers” to “planners” as they gain more programming skills and expertise. Some of the best “hackers” program in a tinkering style.

  • Utting, I. et al.: Alice, Greenfoot, and Scratch – A Discussion. Trans. Comput. Educ. 10, 4, 17:1–17:11 (2010).

Bricolage is a style of construction that places emphasis on concrete experimentation and negotiation with artefacts. Bricolage is situated in the realm of primitive knowledge that concerns the acquisition of practical knowledge and the identification of persistent features and contexts.

The concept of bricolage originates in the work of Claude Levi-Strauss, an anthropologist who studied people working in primitive societies. Levi- Strauss was interested in contrasting approaches to task solving in what he characterised as ‘primitive’ and ‘western’ societies. In western societies, the most advanced form of thought is generally believed to be abstract and scientific.

He defined bricolage as a way of performing work that emphasises human involvement and engagement where subjective interaction with the artefact guides solving of a task. A person who is involved in bricolage style activity is called a bricoleur. This French word is best translated as ‘a handyman’; it emphasises a working style that takes advantage of whatever tools are at hand to perform tasks for which these tools were not specifically designed.

Turkle and Papert have taken up the idea of bricolage and applied it in different fields as a way of validating individual approaches to problem solving

Tushnet, R. (2011). Remix Nation. Commun. ACM, 54(9), 22–24.

Remix & Reuse in Educational Practice

  • Chung, S. H., & Khor, E. T. (2015). Collaborative OER Course Development: Remix and Reuse Approach. In Companion to the Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (pp. 6:1–6:4). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

List of lanuages with remixes

Как только есть Gallery - есть предложение к использованию работы в качестве примера

  1. MOOSE Crossing
  2. Looking Glass + знаем
  3. Scratch +
  4. AgentCubes
  5. Pocket Code - скретчеподобное - но, даже более правильное дерево
  6. NetLogo + - была статья о том, как устроено сообщество и как там делаются ремиксы, там своя история с приглашением в команду и свое дерево ремиксов.
  7. StarLogo Nova - диссертация
  8. Globaloria - своя история с Wiki -
  9. Greenfoot
  10. Kodu

Общие слова:

Navas, E. (2012). Remix theory: The aesthetics of sampling. Springer.

Stanko, M. A. (2016). Toward a Theory of Remixing in Online Innovation Communities. Info. Sys. Research, 27(4), 773–791.

  • Jones, M. C. (2010). Remix and Reuse of Source Code in Software Production (PhD Thesis). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA.
  • Sim, S. E., & Gallardo-Valencia, R. E. (2015). Finding Source Code on the Web for Remix and Reuse. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.
  • Litts, B. K., Kafai, Y. B., Lui, D., Walker, J., & Widman, S. (2017). Understanding High School Students’ Reading, Remixing, and Writing Codeable Circuits for Electronic Textiles. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 381–386). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
  • Smith, A., West-Puckett, S., Cantrill, C., & Zamora, M. (2016). Remix as Professional Learning: Educators’ Iterative Literacy Practice in CLMOOC. Education Sciences, 6(4), 12.

MOOSE Crossing

Везде написать - как именно это делается и что с этого имеет участник

- цитаты, описание, может быть какая история о том, как это было устроено

Social participation - Kafai посмотри еще

Bruckman, A. (1994). Programming for Fun: MUDs as a Context for Collaborative Learning. Recreating the Revolution. Proceedings of the Annual National Educational Computing Conference (15th, Boston, Massachusetts, June 13-15, 1994, 141–146.

Bruckman, A. S. (1997). MOOSE crossing : construction, community and learning in a networked virtual world for kids (Thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved from

Resnick, M. (2003). Thinking Like a Tree (and Other Forms of Ecological Thinking. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 8(1), 43–62.

Вся исходная идеология тут

Scratch Reuse Remix

Dasgupta, S., Hale, W., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Hill, B. M. (2016). Remixing As a Pathway to Computational Thinking. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (pp. 1438–1449). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Diaz, L. M., & Lopez, L. F. A. (2017). A Classification of Programming Styles in Scratch. In Proceedings of the 8th Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 9:1–9:4). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

  • Как отдельный стиль программирования

Hill, B. M., & Monroy-Hernández, A. (2013a). The Cost of Collaboration for Code and Art: Evidence from a Remixing Community. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 1035–1046). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Hill, B. M., & Monroy-Hernández, A. (2013b). The Remixing Dilemma The Trade-Off Between Generativity and Originality. American Behavioral Scientist, 57(5), 643–663.


Lamprou, A., Repenning, A., & Escherle, N. A. (2017). The Solothurn Project: Bringing Computer Science Education to Primary Schools in Switzerland. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 218–223). New York, NY, USA: ACM.


Trower, J., & Gray, J. (2015a). Blockly Language Creation and Applications: Visual Programming for Media Computation and Bluetooth Robotics Control. In Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 5–5). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Trower, J., & Gray, J. (2015b). Creating New Languages in Blockly: Two Case Studies in Media Computation and Robotics (Abstract Only). In Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 677–677). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Pocket Code Reuse Remix

Petri, A., Schindler, C., Slany, W., Spieler, B., & Smith, J. (2015). Pocket Game Jams: A Constructionist Approach at Schools. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct (pp. 1207–1211). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Slany, W. (2014). Pocket Code: A Scratch-like Integrated Development Environment for Your Phone. In Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity (pp. 35–36). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

NetLogo Reuse Remix

Starlogo Nova Reuse Remix

Suzuki, A. (2017). Improving the ability of StarLogo Nova users to save and organize their work (Thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved from

Globaloria Reuse Remix

Greenfoot Reuse Remix

Kölling, M. (2010). Greenfoot: Introduction to Java with Games and Simulations. J. Comput. Sci. Coll., 25(3), 117–117.

Kodu Reuse Remix

Light Bot Reuse Remix

Не может тут быть никакого ремикса и галереи

Vidal Duarte, E., Castro Gutierrez, E., & Aedo, M. (2017). When the Robot Meets the Turtle: A Gentle Introduction to Algorithms and Functions. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 78–79). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Duarte, E. V., & Pearce, J. L. (2017). A Cross-cultural Review of Lightbot for Introducing Functions and Code Reuse. J. Comput. Sci. Coll., 33(2), 100–105.

Looking Glass

Liu, C.-C., Chen, W.-C., Lin, H.-M., & Huang, Y.-Y. (2017). A remix-oriented approach to promoting student engagement in a long-term participatory learning program. Computers & Education, 110, 1–15.

Kelleher, C. (2015). Looking Glass. In Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 271–271). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Gross, P. A., Herstand, M. S., Hodges, J. W., & Kelleher, C. L. (2010). A Code Reuse Interface for Non-programmer Middle School Students. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 219–228). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Gross, P., Yang, J., & Kelleher, C. (2011). Dinah: An Interface to Assist Non-programmers with Selecting Program Code Causing Graphical Output. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3397–3400). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Harms, K. J., Kerr, J. H., Ichinco, M., Santolucito, M., Chuck, A., Koscik, T., … Kelleher, C. L. (2012). Designing a Community to Support Long-term Interest in Programming for Middle School Children. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 304–307). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Looking Glass Animation


Remixes are simple but powerful animations you can use in your worlds that make it easy to create complex stories with fun and interesting animations. A remix is a single animation or a collection of animations that you can use in your worlds. Remixes are captured in Looking Glass and shared on the community.

Можете скопировать поведение - анимацию персонажа и использовать её в своем проекте.


Templates make it easy to get started telling your story. They are pre-made and ready-to-use scenes with characters and props already in place - everything you need to get inspired and bring your story to life.

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Dasgupta, S., Hale, W., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Hill, B. M. (2016). Remixing As a Pathway to Computational Thinking. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (pp. 1438–1449). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

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