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Организа́ция экономи́ческого сотру́дничества и разви́тия (сокр. ОЭСР, англ. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD) — международная экономическая организация развитых стран, признающих принципы представительной демократии и свободной рыночной экономики.

Сравнительные характеристики стран по принятым OECD показателям:

OECD - такой же активный глобальный агент в области образования и формирования образовательных политик как и Всемирный Банк

OECD launched a project (The OECD Program Definition and Selection of Competencies, 2005) which provides a framework for guiding the longer-term extension of assessments into new competency domains. In the project, the key competencies for a successful life and a well-functioning society are classified in three broad categories:

  1. Use tools interactively,
  2. Interact in heterogeneous groups
  3. Act autonomously.

  1. Use language, symbols and texts interactively: the effective use of spoken and written language skills, computation and mathematical skills, in multiple situations.
  2. Use knowledge and information interactively: requires to
    • recognise and determine what is not known
    • identify, locate and access appropriate information sources
    • evaluate the quality, appropriateness and value of that information, as well as its sources; and
    • organise knowledge and information
  3. Use technology interactively requires awareness of new ways in which individuals can use technologies in their daily life; to use the potential of ICT to transform the ways of working together, accessing information and interacting with each other.

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