Mohov, Gennadii Nikiforovith

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Gennadiy Mohov during the WW II time
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Mohov Gennadi was born in 1918. During the first days of World War II he went to the front as a volunteer from Serov. In November 1941 his family got a message telling that he had been lost. Since that time his family didn’t get any information about him. The information that he had been killed wasn’t confirmed. His younger sister didn’t change her surname when she got married, as she believed thet her brother was alive and would find her. In 2001, in Serov, there was recieved a telephone call for Mohova Valentina from Gerhard Mohov. Those people who lived in that flat didn’t specify the aim of the call. Mohova Valentina learnt the fact by chance, on commemoration. The workers of the telephone station couldn’t give any information about this call. May be, Gennadi Mohov or his son is looking for his relatives...

Текст на русском языке: Мохов Геннадий Никифорович

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