Kobarov, Genny Vladimirovich

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Genny Vladimirovich Kobarov at present.

Genny Vladimirovich Kobarov was born on January 7, 1925 in Sverdlovsk in the family of a teacher. In the 1930-s the Kobarovs moved to Perm. In 1940 Genny entered the aviation technical school after 7 years of studying at school № 17 , and he gratuated from it in 1949. Some plants were evacuated from Moscow to Perm during the Great Patriotic War. Genny Vladimirovich wanted to be the volunteer, but he was refused despite the fact that he sent letters to the military registration and enlistment office several times. At last after the fifth letter he went into the army and he was directed to the naval aviation technical college in Perm.

Then, at the beginning of 1945 he was sent to serve in the army in the Crimea, Feodosia, as a mechanic to the first bombing torpedo carrying regiment of the the Black Sea Fleet. Genny stayed in the Crimea till 1948. On February,23 1948 the order about his demobilization was issued. In 1949 having finished the education in the aviation technical college Genny entered the Faculty of Physical Training in Perm State Pedagogical Institute and graduated with honours in 1953. After finishing the studies Genny Vladimirovich worked as a teacher of Physical Training in some Perm schools for many years. It should be mentioned that Genny Vladimirovich has achieved a lot in sport. He has made a great sport career because he was the headmaster of swimming and wrestling schools, he won the first prize in many contests and was the judge in some domestic an international sport tournaments. But the main achievement is that he resumed many kinds of sport after war.

Genny Vladimirovich Kobarov has the Order of the Great Patriotic War and eighteen medals, one of which is given for imbuing the youth with patriotism.

At present Genny Vladimirovich works at school 81 and he is also a teacher in the shooting club.

G.V. Kobarov is speaking


Текст на французском языке: Kobarov, Genniy Vladimirovich
Текст на немецком языке: Kobarow, Gennij Wladimirowitsch
Текст на русском языке: Кобаров Генний Владимирович
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