Участник:Виктория Плоп

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Виктория Плоп

Город: Сургут, МОУ СОШ №29

Ещё о себе: 18.03.1996

Учебный конкурсный проект "Над чем меня заставили задуматься рассказы Д.Лондона?"

Конкурс Отчизна Дон Кихотов


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«Над чем меня заставили задуматься рассказы Д.Лондона»

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ученица 6 " Б " класса МОУ СОШ № 29 г. Сургута Виктория Плоп


Гозгешева Аминат Алиевна


«My Friend»


My name is Victoria Plop. I am a student in the 6 form of school №29. I like my school very much. I also like reading books especially about animals. Books surround us from birth to death. Books make us what we are.

«All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour and the books of all time» (Jon Ruskin)

As for me books of J. London are « the books of all time». The novelist and short – story writer Jack London was, in his lifetime, one of the most popular authors in the world. He was popular in many countries for his romantic tales of adventure mixed with elemental struggles for survival. In his writing career of 17 years, London produced 50 books and many short stories. London’s works are of uneven quality.

The best books are «Burning Daylight» (Tells the story of the Klondike Gold Rush and the corruption that takes place when money becomes involved in relationships), «The Call of the Wild» (Story of Buck, the crossbreed hound, that is stolen by a gardener. Treated beyond cruel, he is rescued by John Thornton, who returns Buck to the wild), «John Barleycorn» (An autobiographical account of London's life that deals with the destructiveness of alcohol), "Love of Life," «Martin Eden» (The story of Martin Eden, an poor seaman who desires, above anything else, to be educated and famous), «White Fang» (The classic story of a half-wolf, half-dog who, through its life, becomes domesticated), and many others.

I have read some of his stories, but best of all I liked « Brown Wolf ». I read it in Russian and English. It is a story about dog’s attachment to people, about difficult choice, which he had to do. Brown Wolf was weak and thin when Irvine found him. He did not let him and his wife touch him and ate the food they gave him only after they had gone away. To win him became a problem, but Irvine liked problems. Brown Wolf several times, when he was strong and was given his freedom always run north. He was always brought back weak and always ran away fresh and strong. At last when the dog decided to stay at the cottage and let them to touch him, which was a great victory for Irvine, a man came to the cottage. It was Skiff Miller, who had come from the North to visit his sister.

As soon as the dog saw him, he ran to the man and licked his hands. Skiff Miller was his first master and he wanted to take him away with him. But Madge and Walt loved the dog very much and didn’t want to let Skiff to take him away. Walt and Miller decided that the dog must get a right to choose if he wants to stay or to go with Skiff. Miller went away.

For some time Wolf watched Skiff Miller go, waiting for him to return. Then he ran after him and tried to stop him. Then the dog ran back to where Irvine and his wife sat and tried to make Irvine go to Miller. He wanted to be with his old master and the new one at the same time. At this moment Miller disappeared. The dog lay down at Irvine’s feet. Madge was happy, but a few minutes later the dog got up and ran away. He never turned his head. Quicker and quicker he ran along the road and in a few minutes was gone.

I felt sorry for Madge and Walt; they simply loved the dog and wanted the dog to be happy. Skiff Miller needed the dog for a hard work and Brown Wolf knew about it, but in spite of it, he chose his first master with hard work. I was very glad Brown Wolf to follow his first master.


I personally know how dogs can miss their masters. I have dreamed lots about having a dog. I decided to collect my pocket money to buy a dog. I abandoned eating ice-cream, going to the cinema, sweets. I wanted only a dog. Seeing my trying my mother decided to help me and I became my own dog. It was a small black lump, which looked at me with his wonderful trusting eyes. As soon as I saw him I liked him and since that time we were together. I called him Tosya. It was the happiest day in my life.

But this summer we had to leave him home when we went to rest. Our relatives took good care of him, but Tosya always was sad, he lost his appetite. When we returned home, our dog looked at us distrustful and sad. His fur, which was very rich and shine (glossy) fall out with strands. He became practically bald. Only after some time he began to play with me and we decided never take a part. Now it is a funny nice dog. I love him very much, he is my best friend.


  1. Белый клык = White Fang:( повесть на русском и английском языках)/ Джек Лондон = Jack London; (пер. с англ. Н.Волжиной). - М.: Центр книги, 2009.
  2. Зарубежная литература. Хрестоматия для учащихся. 2009.
  3. Англииский язык для школьников. Цветкова И.В. и др.
  4. Рассказ Д.Лондона. Бурый волк.
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